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PHYLIP Applications

The PHYLIP programs in this EMBASSY package are ported from release 3.572. PHYLIP 3.6 has been converted as PHYLIPNEW.

Applications in the current phylip release

Program name Description
eclique Largest clique program
econsense Majority-rule and strict consensus tree
econtml Continuous character Maximum Likelihood method
econtrast Continuous character Contrasts
ednacomp DNA compatibility algorithm
ednadist Nucleic acid sequence Distance Matrix program
ednainvar Nucleic acid sequence Invariants method
ednaml Phylogenies from nucleic acid Maximum Likelihood
ednamlk Phylogenies from nucleic acid Maximum Likelihood with clock
ednapars DNA parsimony algorithm
ednapenny Penny algorithm for DNA
edollop Dollo and polymorphism parsimony algorithm
edolpenny Penny algorithm Dollo or polymorphism
efactor Multistate to binary recoding program
efitch Fitch-Margoliash and Least-Squares Distance Methods
egendist Genetic Distance Matrix program
ekitsch Fitch-Margoliash method with contemporary tips
emix Mixed parsimony algorithm
eneighbor Phylogenies from distance matrix by N-J or UPGMA method
epenny Penny algorithm, branch-and-bound
eprotdist Protein distance algorithm
eprotpars Protein parsimony algorithm
erestml Restriction site Maximum Likelihood method
eseqboot Bootstrapped sequences algorithm