Name | Type | Description |
Type | AjPStr | "P" Protein or "N" Nucleotide
Formatstr | AjPStr | Report format (-aformat qualifier)
File | AjPFile | Output file object
Header | AjPStr | Text to add to header with newlines
SubHeader | AjPStr | Text to add to align subheader with newlines
Tail | AjPStr | Text to add to tail with newlines
SubTail | AjPStr | Text to add to subtail with newlines
Showacc | AjBool | Report accession number if ajTrue
Showdes | AjBool | Report sequence description if ajTrue
Showusa | AjBool | Report full USA (-ausa qualifier) if ajTrue
or only seqname if ajFalse
Multi | AjBool | if true, assume >1 alignment
Global | AjBool | if true, show full sequence beyond match
Format | AjEnum | Report format (index number)
Data | AjPList | Alignment specific data - see ajalign.c
Nseqs | ajint | Number of sequences in all alignments
Nmin | ajint | Minimum number of sequences e.g. 2
Nmax | ajint | Maximum number of sequences e.g. 2
Width | ajint | Output width (minimum 10)
IMatrix | AjPMatrix | Integer matrix (see also FMatrix)
FMatrix | AjPMatrixf | Floating point matrix (see also IMatrix)
Matrix | AjPStr | Matrix name
GapPen | AjPStr | Gap penalty (converted to string)
ExtPen | AjPStr | Gap extend penalty (converted to string)
SeqOnly | AjBool | Sequence output only, no head or tail
SeqExternal | AjBool | Sequence is non-local, do not delete
Count | ajint | Use count
RefSeq | ajint | Index of the reference sequences in AlignOData objects
of the Data list