Holds data associated with a protein / domain sequence. Includes SCOP classification records.
AjPScophit is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Name |
AjSScophit |
AjOScophit |
Name | Type | Description |
Class | AjPStr | Class name |
Architecture | AjPStr | CATH classification. |
Topology | AjPStr | CATH classification. |
Fold | AjPStr | Fold name |
Superfamily | AjPStr | Superfamily name |
Family | AjPStr | Family name |
Type | AjEDomainType | AJAX Domain Type enumeration |
Sunid_Family | ajuint | Domain identifier of node (e.g. family or superfamily) represented. |
Seq | AjPStr | Sequence as string |
Start | ajuint | Start of sequence or signature alignment relative to full length swissprot sequence |
End | ajuint | End of sequence or signature alignment relative to full length swissprot sequence |
Acc | AjPStr | Accession number of sequence entry |
Spr | AjPStr | Swissprot code of sequence entry |
Dom | AjPStr | SCOP or CATH database identifier code of entry. |
Typeobj | AjPStr | Bibliographic information ... objective |
Typesbj | AjPStr | Bibliographic information ... subjective |
Model | AjPStr | String for model type (HMM, Gribskov etc) |
Rank | ajuint | Rank order of hit |
Score | float | Score of hit |
Eval | float | E-value of hit |
Pval | float | p-value of hit |
Alg | AjPStr | Alignment, e.g. of a signature to the sequence |
Target | AjBool | True if the Scophit is targeted for removal from a list of Scophit objects |
Target2 | AjBool | Also used for garbage collection |
Priority | AjBool | True if the Scop hit is high priority |
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitNew | Default Scophit object constructor. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitDel | Default Scophit object destructor. |
ajDmxScophitDelWrap | Wrapper to destructor for Scophit object for use with generic functions. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitListCopy | Reads a list of Scophit structures and returns a pointer to a duplicate of the list. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitCheckTarget | Checks to see if the Target element of a Scophit object == ajTrue. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitTarget | Sets the Target element of a Scophit object to True. |
ajDmxScophitTarget2 | Sets the Target2 element of a Scophit object to True. |
ajDmxScophitTargetLowPriority | Sets the Target element of a Scophit object to True if its Priority is low. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitCompSpr | Function to sort Scophit object by Spr element. |
ajDmxScophitCompStart | Function to sort Scophit object by Spr element. |
ajDmxScophitCompEnd | Function to sort Scophit object by End element. |
ajDmxScophitCompClass | Function to sort Scophit object by Class element. |
ajDmxScophitCompFold | Function to sort Scophit object by Fold element. |
ajDmxScophitCompSfam | Function to sort Scophit object by Superfamily element. |
ajDmxScophitCompFam | Function to sort Scophit object by Family element. |
ajDmxScophitCompAcc | Function to sort Scophit objects by Acc element. |
ajDmxScophitCompSunid | Function to sort Scophit objects by Sunid element. |
ajDmxScophitCompScore | Function to sort Scophit objects by Score element. |
ajDmxScophitCompPval | Function to sort Scophit objects by Pval element. |
ajDmxScopSeqFromSunid | Writes a sequence corresponding to a Scop domain given a Sunid for the domain. The sequence is taken from one of a list of Scop objects that is provided. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitsWrite | Write contents of a list of Scophits to an output file. |
ajDmxScophitsWriteFasta | Write contents of a list of Scophits to an output file in extended FASTA format. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitReadFasta | Read a Scophit object from a file in extended FASTA format. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScophitCopy | Copies the contents from one Scophit object to another. |
Holds data associated with a structure alignment. Now adapted to hold CATH domain data also by addition of Type, Architecture and Topology elements.
AjPScopalg is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Name |
AjSScopalg |
AjOScopalg |
Name | Type | Description |
Class | AjPStr | Class name |
Architecture | AjPStr | CATH classification. |
Topology | AjPStr | CATH classification. |
Fold | AjPStr | Fold name |
Superfamily | AjPStr | Superfamily name |
Family | AjPStr | Family name (SCOP only) |
Sunid_Family | ajuint | SCOP sunid for family |
Width | ajuint | Width (residues) of widest part of alignment |
Type | AjEDomainType | AJAX Domain Type enumeration |
Number | ajuint | No. of sequences in alignment |
Codes | AjPStr* | Array of domain id codes of sequences |
Seqs | AjPStr* | Array of sequences |
Post_similar | AjPStr | Post_similar line from alignment |
Positions | AjPStr | Array of integers from 'Position' line in alignment, used for manual specification of signature positions |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScopalgRead | Read a Scopalg object from a file. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScopalgWrite | Write a Scopalg object to file in clustal format annotated with SCOP classification info. |
ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal | Writes a Scopalg object to file in clustal format (just the alignment without the SCOP classification information). |
ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal2 | Writes a Scopalg object to file in clustal format (just the alignment without the SCOP classification information). |
ajDmxScopalgWriteFasta | Writes a Scopalg object to file in clustal format (just the alignment without the SCOP classification information). |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScopalgNew | Scopalg object constructor. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScopalgDel | Scopalg object destructor. |
Name | Description |
ajDmxScopalgGetseqs | Read a Scopalg object and writes an array of AjPStr containing the sequences without gaps. |