
Data type AjPGraphobj

AJAX data structure for graph objects, contained as a substructure in AjPGraphdata


typeajuintObject type in AjEGraphObjectTypes
colourajuintSee AjEGraphColour for plplot colours
textAjPStrText to plot
xx1floatx start
xx2floatx end
yy1floaty start
yy2floaty end
nextstruct AjSGraphobj*link to next object in the list
scalefloatscale for text (0.0 to use the default)
Paddingchar[4]Padding to alignment boundary

Data type AjPGraphdata

Graph data object. Substructure of AjPGraph.


xfloat*x coordinates
yfloat*y coordinates
DataobjAjPGraphobjFirst graph object - links to rest
titleAjPStrPlot title
subtitleAjPStrPlot subtitle
xaxisAjPStrPlot x axis title
yaxisAjPStrPlot y axis title
gtypeAjPStrGraph type: 2D, Tick etc
datanameAjPStrSource data name
xcalcAjBoolif x calculated then delete after
ycalcAjBoolas with x. So we do not delete data if it was passed as a ptr
truescaleAjBoolif true xy scale has been set
numofpointsajuintNumber of points in x and y
numofobjectsajuintNumber of graph objects starting at Obj
minXfloatLowest x value
maxXfloatHighest x value
minYfloatLowest y value
maxYfloatHighest y value
tminXfloatFirst x value to plot
tmaxXfloatLast x value to plot
tminYfloatFirst y value to plot
tmaxYfloatLast y value to plot
colourajintSee AjEGraphColour for plplot colours
lineTypeajintLine type for plplot
Paddingchar[4]Padding to alignment boundary

Data type AjPGraph

Graph object.


displaytypeajuintDisplaytype index to graphType
numsetsajuintNumber of sets in a multiple graph
numofgraphsajuintNumber of graphs in graphs
numofobjectsajuintNumber of objects in Mainobj
numofgraphsmaxajuintMaximum number of graphs expected
flagsajuintover rides the EmbGraphData flags
minXfloatLowest x value for all graphs
maxXfloatHighest x value for all graphs
minYfloatLowest y value for all graphs
maxYfloatHighest y value for all graphs
xstartfloatFirst x value to plot
xendfloatLast x value to plot
ystartfloatFirst y value to plot
yendfloatLast y value to plot
readyAjBoolSet by plplot device init
minmaxcalcAjBoolSet true when (xy)start/end are set
windowsetAjBoolSet true when (xy) window coordinates are set
isdataAjBoolTrue for a data type graph
descAjPStrPlot description, used to set default title
titleAjPStrPlot title
subtitleAjPStrPlot subtitle
xaxisAjPStrPlot x axis title
yaxisAjPStrPlot y axis title
outputfileAjPStrOutput filename
datanameAjPStrData source name for datafile outputs
graphsAjPGraphdata*XY Data to plot for Graph(s)
MainobjAjPGraphobjObjects to plot for single graph