AJAX Cmap Type enumeration
Enumerated value(s)
Name |
ajECmapTypeNULL | NULL
ajECmapTypeIntra | Intra-molecular contact
ajECmapTypeInter | Inter-molecular contact
ajECmapTypeLigand | Ligand contact
AJAX PDB Method enumeration
Enumerated value(s)
Name |
ajEPdbMethodNULL | NULL
ajEPdbMethodXray | Structure was determined by X-ray crystallography
ajEPdbMethodNmr | Structure was determined by NMR or is a model
AJAX PDB Mode enumeration
Enumerated value(s)
Name |
ajEPdbModePdb | Original PDB residue numbering
ajEPdbModeIdx | Corrected residue numbering
(index into SEQRES sequence)
Ajax atom object.
Holds protein atom data
AjPAtom is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Mod | ajuint | Model number
Chn | ajuint | Chain number
Gpn | ajint | Group number
Idx | ajuint | Residue number - index into sequence.
Pdb | AjPStr | Residue number string from the original PDB file.
Id3 | AjPStr | Residue or group identifier.
Atm | AjPStr | Atom identifier.
X | float | X coordinate.
Y | float | Y coordinate.
Z | float | Z coordinate.
O | float | Occupancy.
B | float | B value thermal factor.
Id1 | char | Standard residue identifier or 'X' for unknown
types or '.' for heterogens and water.
Type | char | 'P' (protein atom), 'H' ("heterogens") or 'W'
Padding | char[2] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajAtomNew | Default Atom constructor.
Name | Description |
ajAtomDel | Default Atom destructor.
Name | Description |
embAtomInContact | Determines whether two atoms are in physical
embAtomDistance | Returns the distance (Angstroms) between two
embVdwRad | Returns the van der Waals radius of an atom.
Other related data structure(s)
Name | Description |
embPdbListHeterogens | Construct a list of arrays of Atom objects
for ligands in the current Pdb object (a single array for each
Ajax Residue object.
Holds data for an amino acid residue.
AjPResidue is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Mod | ajuint | Model number
Chn | ajuint | Chain number
Idx | ajuint | Residue number. Can be used to index into the
polypeptide sequence (the Seq element of an
AjSChain object). Idx numbers start at 1 and run
eNum | ajint | Element serial number (for secondary structure
from the PDB file).
Pdb | AjPStr | Residue number string from the original PDB file.
Id3 | AjPStr | 3-letter residue identifier code.
eId | AjPStr | Element identifier (for secondary structure from
the PDB file).
eClass | ajint | Class of helix, an int from 1-10, from
(for secondary structure from the PDB file).
eStrideNum | ajint | Number of the element: sequential count from
N-term (for secondary structure from STRIDE).
Phi | float | Phi angle.
Psi | float | Psi angle.
Area | float | Residue solvent accessible area.
all_abs | float | Absolute accessibility, all atoms.
all_rel | float | Relative accessibility, all atoms.
side_abs | float | Absolute accessibility, atoms in side chain.
side_rel | float | Relative accessibility, atoms in side chain.
main_abs | float | Absolute accessibility, atoms in main chain.
main_rel | float | Relative accessibility, atoms in main chain.
npol_abs | float | Absolute accessibility, non-polar atoms.
npol_rel | float | Relative accessibility, non-polar atoms.
pol_abs | float | Absolute accessibility, polar atoms.
pol_rel | float | Relative accessibility, polar atoms.
Id1 | char | Standard 1-letter residue identifier or 'X' for
unknown types.
eType | char | Element type COIL ('C'), HELIX ('H'), SHEET ('E')
or TURN ('T'). Has a default value of COIL
(for secondary structure from the PDB file).
eStrideType | char | Element type:
3-10 HELIX ('G'),
TURN ('T') or
COIL (none of the above) ('C')
(for secondary structure from STRIDE).
Padding | char[1] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajResidueEnv1 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv2 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv3 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv4 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv5 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv6 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv7 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv8 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility and
secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv9 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv10 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv11 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv12 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv13 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv14 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv15 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueEnv16 | Assigns environment based on side chain accessibility
and secondary structure.
ajResidueSSEnv | Assigns secondary structure environment of a residue.
Ajax chain object.
Holds protein chain data
AjPChain is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Nres | ajuint | Number of amino acid residues.
Nlig | ajuint | Number of groups which are non-covalently
associated with the chain, excluding water
numHelices | ajint | No. of helices in the chain according to the
PDB file.
numStrands | ajint | No. of strands in the chain according to the
PDB file.
Seq | AjPStr | Protein sequence as string.
Atoms | AjPList | List of Atom objects for (potentially multiple
models) of the polypeptide chain and any
groups (ligands) that could be uniquely
associated with a chain.
Residues | AjPList | List of Residue objects for (potentially
multiple models) of the polypeptide chain.
Id | char | Chain id, ('.' if one wasn't specified in
the PDB file).
Padding | char[7] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajChainNew | Default Chain constructor.
Name | Description |
ajChainDel | Default Chain destructor.
Ajax pdb object.
Holds arrays describing pdb data
AjPPdb is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Pdb | AjPStr | PDB code
Compnd | AjPStr | Text from COMPND records in PDB file
Source | AjPStr | Text from SOURCE records in PDB file
Method | AjEPdbMethod | AJAX PDB Method enumeration
Reso | float | Resolution of an XRAY structure or 0
Nmod | ajuint | Number of models (always 1 for XRAY structures)
Nchn | ajuint | Number of polypeptide chains
Chains | AjPChain* | Array of pointers to AjSChain structures
gpid | AjPChar | Array of chain (group) id's for groups that
could not be uniquely associated with a chain.
Groups | AjPList | List of Atom objects for groups that could not
be uniquely associated with a chain.
Water | AjPList | List of Atom objects for water molecules.
Ngp | ajuint | Number of groups that could not be uniquely
associated with a chain in the SEQRES records.
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajPdbNew | Default Pdb constructor.
ajPdbReadRawNew | Pdb constructor from reading pdb format file.
ajPdbReadNew | Pdb constructor from reading CCF format file.
ajPdbReadFirstModelNew | Pdb constructor from reading CCF format
file (retrieve data for 1st model only).
ajPdbReadoldNew | Pdb constructor from reading CCF format file
lacking residue-level description in RE records.
ajPdbReadoldFirstModelNew | Pdb constructor from reading CCF format
file lacking residue-level description in RE records.
Name | Description |
ajPdbDel | Default Pdb destructor.
Name | Description |
ajPdbCopy | Replicates a Pdb object.
Name | Description |
ajPdbGetEStrideType | Reads a Pdb object and writes a string with
the secondary structure.
ajPdbChnidToNum | Finds the chain number for a given chain
embPdbToIdx | Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer which gives
the index into the protein sequence for a residue with a
specified pdb residue number and a specified chain number.
embPdbidToSp | Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent
swissprot identifier code.
embPdbidToAcc | Read a pdb identifier code and writes the equivalent
accession number.
embPdbidToScop | Writes a list of scop identifier codes for the
domains that a Pdb object contains.
Name | Description |
embPdbAtomIndexI | Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array
which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured
residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for
a given chain.
embPdbAtomIndexICA | Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array
which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured
residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for
a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are
embPdbAtomIndexCCA | Reads a Pdb object and writes an integer array
which gives the index into the protein sequence for structured
residues (residues for which electron density was determined) for
a given chain, EXCLUDING those residues for which CA atoms are
Name | Description |
embPdbListHeterogens | Construct a list of arrays of Atom objects
for ligands in the current Pdb object (a single array for each
AJAX Hetent object.
Holds a single entry from a dictionary of heterogen groups.
AjPHetent is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
abv | AjPStr | 3-letter abbreviation of heterogen.
syn | AjPStr | Synonym.
ful | AjPStr | Full name.
cnt | ajint | No. of occurrences (files) of this heterogen in a
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
AJAX Het object.
Holds a dictionary of heterogen groups.
AjPHet is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Entries | AjPHetent* | Array of AJAX Heterogen Entries
Number | ajuint | Number of entries
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajHetNew | Default Het constructor.
ajHetReadRawNew | Het constructor from reading dictionary of
heterogen groups in raw format.
ajHetReadNew | Het constructor from reading dictionary of
heterogen groups in embl-like format (see documentation for the
Name | Description |
ajHetDel | Default Het destructor.
Name | Description |
ajHetWrite | Write Het object to file in embl-like format (see
documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package).
AJAX Vdwres object.
Holds the Van der Waals radius for atoms in a residue
AjPVdwres is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Id3 | AjPStr | 3 character residue identifier.
Atm | AjPStr* | Array of atom identifiers.
Rad | float* | Array of van der Waals radii.
N | ajuint | Number of atoms in residue.
Id1 | char | Standard residue identifier or 'X' for unknown.
Padding | char[3] | Padding to alignment boundary
Ajax Vdwall object.
Holds the Van der Waals radii for all types of protein atoms
AjPVdwall is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Res | AjPVdwres* | Array of Vdwres structures.
N | ajuint | Number of residues.
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajVdwallNew | Default Vdwall constructor.
ajVdwallReadNew | Vdwall constructor from reading file in embl-like
format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package).
Ajax Cmap object.
Holds a contact map and associated data for a protein domain / chain
(intra or inter-chain contacts) or between a protein / domain and a
ligand. For ligand contacts, the first row / column only of the contact
map is used.
AjPCmap is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Id | AjPStr | Protein id code.
Domid | AjPStr | Domain id code.
Ligid | AjPStr | Ligand id code.
Chn1 | ajint | Chain number 1 (first chain)
Chn2 | ajint | Chain number 2 (second chain if available)
Nres1 | ajint | Number of residues in chain/domain 1
Nres2 | ajint | Number of residues in chain/domain 2
Seq1 | AjPStr | The sequence of the first domain or chain.
Seq2 | AjPStr | The sequence of the second domain or chain.
Mat | AjPUint2d | Contact map.
Dim | ajint | Dimension of contact map.
Ncon | ajint | No. of contacts (1's in contact map).
en | ajint | Entry number.
ns | ajint | No. of sites (ajLIGAND only)
sn | ajint | Site number (ajLIGAND only)
Type | AjECmapType | AJAX Cmap Type enumeration
Desc | AjPStr | Description of ligand (ajLIGAND only)
Chid1 | char | Chain identifier 1 (first chain)
Chid2 | char | Chain identifier 2 (second chain if available)
Padding | char[6] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajCmapNew | Default Cmap constructor.
ajCmapReadINew | Cmap constructor from reading file in CON
(embl-like)format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX
ajCmapReadCNew | Cmap constructor from reading file in CON
format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package).
ajCmapReadNew | Cmap constructor from reading file in CON
format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package).
ajCmapReadAllNew | Constructs list of Cmap objects from reading file
in CON format (see documentation for the EMBASSY
Name | Description |
ajCmapDel | Default Cmap destructor.
Name | Description |
ajCmapWrite | Write Cmap object to file in CON format.
Ajax Pdbtosp object.
Holds swissprot codes and accession numbers for a PDB code.
AjPPdbtosp is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Pdb | AjPStr | PDB code
Acc | AjPStr* | Accession numbers
Spr | AjPStr* | Swissprot codes
Number | ajuint | Number of entries for this pdb code
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary
Name | Description |
ajPdbtospNew | Default Pdbtosp constructor.
ajPdbtospReadAllRawNew | Pdbtosp constructor from reading swissprot-
pdb equivalence table in raw format.
ajPdbtospReadNew | Pdbtosp constructor from reading file in
embl-like format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX
ajPdbtospReadCNew | Pdbtosp constructor from reading file in
embl-like format (see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX
Name | Description |
ajPdbtospReadAllNew | Constructor for list of Pdbtosp objects from
reading file in embl-like format (see documentation for the
Name | Description |
ajPdbtospWrite | Write Pdbtosp object to file in embl-like format
(see documentation for the EMBASSY DOMAINATRIX package).