Name | |
ajEPdbioModeHeaderDomain | Header line for domain PDB file |
ajEPdbioModeSeqresDomain | SEQRES records for domain |
ajEPdbioModeAtomPdbDomain | ATOM records for domain using original residue numbers |
ajEPdbioModeAtomIdxDomain | ATOM records for domain using residues numbers that give correct index into SEQRES sequence |
ajEPdbioModeSeqResChain | SEQRES records for a chain |
ajEPdbioModeAtomPdbChain | ATOM records for chain using original residue numbers |
ajEPdbioModeAtomIdxChain | ATOM records for domain using residues numbers that give correct index into SEQRES sequence |
ajEPdbioModeHeterogen | ATOM line for a heterogen (small ligand) |
ajEPdbioModeHeader | Header line |
ajEPdbioModeTitle | Title line |
ajEPdbioModeCompnd | COMPND records (info. on compound) |
ajEPdbioModeSource | SOURCE records (info. on protein source) |
ajEPdbioModeEmptyRemark | An empty REMARK record |
ajEPdbioModeResolution | Record with resolution of the structure |