Ajax address object.
Holds a void array with additional data.
The length is known and held internally.
Saves on length calculation, and allows growth in reserved memory without
changing the pointer in the calling routine.
AjPVoid is implemented as a pointer to a C data structure.
Alias name(s)
Name | Description |
ajVoidGet | Retrieve a pointer from an array
Name | Description |
ajVoidPut | Load a pointer array element
Name | Type | Description |
Res | ajuint | Reserved space in case of extension
Len | ajuint | Actual length used
Ptr | void** | Array of void pointers
AJAX SQL Connection client library enumeration.
Alias name(s)
Enumerated value(s)
Name |
ajESqlconnectionClientNULL | Null
ajESqlconnectionClientMySQL | MySQL client
ajESqlconnectionClientPostgreSQL | PostgreSQL client
AJAX SQL Connection.
Holds the client type and a pointer to a SQL client library-specific
connection object.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Pconnection | void* | SQL client library-specific connection object
(MYSQL*) for the MySQL client library
(PGconn*) for the PostgreSQL client library
Client | AjESqlconnectionClient | Client library
Use | ajuint | Use counter
AJAX SQL Statement.
Holds pointers to an AJAX SQL Connection and to a client library-specific
result object.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Sqlconnection | AjPSqlconnection | AJAX SQL Connection.
Presult | void* | SQL client library-specific result object
(MYSQL_RES*) for the MySQL client library
(PGresult*) for the PostgreSQL client library
AffectedRows | ajulong | Number of rows affected by non-SELECT SQL
SelectedRows | ajulong | Number of rows selected by SELECT-like SQL
Columns | ajuint | Number of columns returned by SELECT-like statements
Use | ajuint | Use counter
AJAX SQL Result Row.
Holds an AjPChar array of C-type character strings and an AjLong array of
data lengths for each column data values in SQL client library-specific
result objects.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Values | AjPVoid | AJAX Character Array of SQL column values
Lengths | AjPLong | AJAX Long Integer Array of SQL column value lengths
Columns | ajuint | Number of columns per row
Current | ajuint | Current column in column interactions
AJAX SQL Row Iterator.
Allows iteration over AJAX SQL Rows of an AJAX SQL Statement.
Alias name(s)