Name | Type | Description |
dbname | AjPStr | Database name
dbrs | AjPStr | Index resource definition
release | AjPStr | Release number
date | AjPStr | Release date
dbtype | AjPStr | Database type
directory | AjPStr | Database directory
idirectory | AjPStr | Index directory
idextension | AjPStr | Id index extension
maxid | AjPStr | Longest id in data
files | AjPList | List of data filenames
reffiles | AjPList* | Lists of data reference filenames
fields | AjPList | EMBOSS index field structures
id | AjPStr | Entry identifier
idcache | AjPBtcache | Id cache structure
pripagecount | ajlong | Cache primary page count
secpagecount | ajlong | Cache secondary page count
do_id | AjBool | If true, build id index
compressed | AjBool | If true, compress id index
nfiles | ajuint | Data file count
refcount | ajuint | Reference file(s) for each entry
idlen | ajuint | Maximum id length in index
idmaxlen | ajuint | Maximum id length in data
idtruncate | ajuint | Number of ids truncated
pripagesize | ajuint | Default page size
pricachesize | ajuint | Defalt cache size
idorder | ajuint | Id index primary order
idfill | ajuint | Id index primary fill count
secpagesize | ajuint | Default page size
seccachesize | ajuint | Defalt cache size
idsecorder | ajuint | Id index secondary order
idsecfill | ajuint | Id index secondary fill count
fpos | ajlong | Input file position
reffpos | ajlong* | Input extra (reference) file positions