Ajax Obo Input object.
Holds the obo term specification and information needed to read
the obo term and possible further terms.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Input | AjPTextin | General text input object
OboData | void* | Format data for reuse, e.g. multiple term input
(unused in current code)
Ajax Obo Access database reading object.
Holds information needed to read an obo term from a database.
Access methods are defined for each known database type.
Obo terms are read from the database using the defined
database access function, which is usually a static function
within ajobodb.c
This should be a static data object but is needed for the definition
of AjPOboin.
Alias name(s)
Name | Description |
ajOboMethod | returns a copy of a known access method definition.
Other related data structure(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Name | const char* | Access method name used in emboss.default
Access | AjBool function | Access function
AccessFree | AjBool function | Access cleanup function
Qlink | const char* | Supported query link operators
Desc | const char* | Description
Alias | AjBool | Alias for another name
Entry | AjBool | Supports retrieval of single entries
Query | AjBool | Supports retrieval of selected entries
All | AjBool | Supports retrieval of all entries
Chunked | AjBool | Supports retrieval of entries in chunks
Padding | AjBool | Padding to alignment boundary
OBO parsed data
Name | Type | Description |
Termtable | AjPTable | Table of terms by id
Termnametable | AjPTable | Table of terms by name
Typedeftable | AjPTable | Table of typedefs
Instancetable | AjPTable | Table of instances
Annotable | AjPTable | Table of annotation stanzas
Formulatable | AjPTable | Table of formula stanzas
Misctable | AjPTable | Table of other stanzas
OBO tag name, value and comment.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Name | AjPStr | Tag name
Value | AjPStr | Tag value
Modifier | AjPStr | Tag modifier
Comment | AjPStr | Tag comment
Linenumber | ajuint | OBO file line number
Padding | ajuint | Padding to align structure
OBO dbxref name and description
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Name | AjPStr | Dbxref name
Desc | AjPStr | Description (optional)
Alias name for an OBO identifier
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Alias | AjPStr | Alias name of term
Id | AjPStr | Id of term
Ajax obo term object.
Holds the term itself, plus associated information.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Id | AjPStr | Id of term
Trueid | AjPStr | True id of an alt_id
Fullid | AjPStr | Id of term with prefix
Name | AjPStr | Name of term
Namespace | AjPStr | Namespace of term
Def | AjPStr | Definition of term
Dbxrefs | AjPList | List of AjPOboxref names descriptions and modifiers
Comment | AjPStr | Comment tag in term stanza
Replaced | AjPStr | Replacement term for an obsolete term
Taglist | AjPList | List of other AjPObotag tag name-value pairs
Obsolete | AjBool | True if term is obsolete
Builtin | AjBool | True if term is an OBO Built-in term
Db | AjPStr | Database name from input
Setdb | AjPStr | Database name from command line
Full | AjPStr | Full name
Qry | AjPStr | Query for re-reading
Formatstr | AjPStr | Input format name
Filename | AjPStr | Original filename
TextPtr | AjPStr | Full text
Fpos | ajlong | File position (fseek) for Query
Format | AjEnum | Input format enum
Padding | ajuint | Padding to alignment boundary
Ajax obo term all (stream) object.
Inherits an AjPObo but allows more obo terms to be read from the
same input by also inheriting the AjPOboin input object.
Alias name(s)
Name | Type | Description |
Obo | AjPObo | Current term
Oboin | AjPOboin | Obo input for reading next
Totterms | ajulong | Count of terms so far
Count | ajuint | Count of terms so far
Multi | AjBool | True if multiple values are expected
Returned | AjBool | if true: Obo object has been returned to a new owner
and is not to be deleted by the destructor
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary