Name | Type | Description |
Name | AjPStr | As "Source" for features, usually empty
Type | AjPStr | "P" Protein or "N" Nucleotide
Formatstr | AjPStr | Report format (-rformat)
Fttable | AjPFeattable | Feature table to use (obsolete?)
Ftquery | AjPFeattabOut | Output definition for features
Extension | AjPStr | Output file extension
File | AjPFile | Output file object
Tagnames | AjPList | List of extra tag names (from ACD)
Tagprints | AjPList | List of extra tag printnames (from ACD)
Tagtypes | AjPList | List of extra tag datatypes (from ACD)
Header | AjPStr | Text to add to header with newlines
SubHeader | AjPStr | Text to add to subheader with newlines
Tail | AjPStr | Text to add to tail with newlines
SubTail | AjPStr | Text to add to subtail with newlines
FileNames | AjPList | Names of extra files (see FileTypes)
FileTypes | AjPList | Types of extra files (see FileNames)
Totseqs | ajlong | Total number of sequences processed
Totlength | ajlong | Total length of sequences processed
Precision | ajint | Floating precision for score
Showacc | AjBool | Report accession number
Showdes | AjBool | Report sequence description
Showusa | AjBool | Report USA (-rusa) or only seqname
Showscore | AjBool | Report score (if optional for format)
Showstrand | AjBool | Report nucleotide strand (if optional for format)
Multi | AjBool | if true, assume >1 sequence
Mintags | ajint | Minimum number of tags to report
CountSeq | ajint | Number of sequences reported so far
CountHit | ajint | Number of features reported so far
TotHits | ajint | Number of features found so far
MaxHitAll | ajint | Maximum number of hits to report overall
MaxHitSeq | ajint | Maximum number of hits to report for each sequence
MaxLimit | AjBool | if true, maximum hits reached
Format | AjEnum | Report format (index number)
Padding | char[4] | Padding to alignment boundary