EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Jun 28th 1999)
Sanger Centre:
Peter Rice,
Ian Longden, Richard Bruskiewich
Alan Bleasby, Jon Ison, Sinead O'Leary, Thon de Boer
1. Matters Arising
2. General progress on release 0.0.4
Alan has added Michael Schmitz's updates to dan. There are new data for
enthalpy and entropy but these make big changes to melting temperatures
and need further checking.
Alan has modified restrict. rebaseextract needs to be rerun to build
new data files.
Alan has some references from Toby Gibson (EMBL) for sequence
weighting, and contact with Julie Thompson in Strasbourg for the
profileweight application.
Sinead is working on prima
Ian ius working on supermatcher, a Smith-Waterman alignment for very long
Thon would like more information on database installation for EMBOSS.
Peter will provide it.
3. Sequence Features
Peter is working on "seqretfeat", a demo application that will read and
write sequences with features. When multiple feature table formats
are supported it should automatically interconvert them, but initially
it will use Richard Bruskiewich's ajfeat code for GFF.
4. Next meeting
Monday 6th July, usual time and place.
Peter Rice, Informatics Division, The Sanger Centre,
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.