EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Jul 12th 1999)
Sanger Centre:
Peter Rice,
Richard Bruskiewich
Alan Bleasby, Gary Williams, Jon Ison, Sinead O'Leary, Thon de Boer,
Val Curwen
EMBnet Italy:
Donata Colangelo
1. Matters Arising
2. General progress on release 0.0.4
Alan has implementer profile versions of Smith Waterman (water) and
Needleman Wunsch (needle). For database scanning, these run without gaps.
Versions with gaps could be the same or separate programs.
A range of profiles can be produced.
Alan has added floating point versions of the comparison matrix code.
After discussion, it was agreed that lower case output file names would
be preferred by most users. Where users (maybe at Sanger) prefer the name
to match the original sequence name this could be put on the command
line by scripts.
3. Sequence Features
Peter is still working on this. GFF format input and output with
sequences is implemented and will be checked in today. Output of
feature tables without sequences needs more work. A simple implementatio of
SwissProt and EMBL feature table format is also planned as this
affects sequence input and output.
4. Any Other Business
Peter will contribute an article on EMBOSS to the next issue of the
Biochemical Society magazine in their Cyberbiochemist section.
5. Next meeting
Monday 19th July, usual time and place. Topics for the agenda include
tasks for the first release and a wish list of enhancements to the current
Peter Rice, Informatics Division, The Sanger Centre,
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.