EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Feb 14th 2000) |
PNG graphics character sizes have been adjusted to give reasonable output. There were also problems with library versions in Norway, now resolved.
The first PNG output file is still blank. The workaround for now is to delete the first file. Ian has contacted the author of the PNG library.
Pepinfo is not yet changed to remove the extra prompt for graphics output. Peter will investigate.
XML output from ACD is still in progress, as is the entrails program to report internal data structures.
infoseq output is sometimes tabs and sometimes spaces. The documentation will say "tabs or spaces". There could be similar issues with other report programs (showseq, embossdata, showdb, wossname)
HGMP now have all the main databases indexed and working with subsets. The definitions can be added to the database documentation.
dbiflat has an option not to exclude files on input so that indices to subsets can be built.
Ian is working on reading and writing feature tables. Crashes have been removed where there were hooks to code not yet written. seqretfeat can now read swissprot format external feature files. EMBL will be tackled next, and the provision of swissprot format output feature tables.
Richard will discuss the ACEDB GTK library with Simon Kelley.
Next meeting will be Monday 21st February 2000, 11:00am, usual place.