EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Sep 11th 2000)


HGMP: Val Curwen, Alan Bleasby, Gary Williams, Ranjeeva Ranasinghe, Jon Ison, Tim Carver

1. Matters Arising

Gary has written the program megamerger for merging two large overlapping nucleic acid sequences, and diffseq for finding differences (SNPs) between nearly identical sequences. Gary has added a 'features' display to showseq, and fixed bugs in ajfeat (which wasn't reading tags in uppercase) and showfeat. Gary has documented shuffleseq , supermatcher, showseq and btwisted, and tidied up the distributed HTML documentation.

Alan has completed the first draft of the guide "How to program EMBOSS applications" and reported that the "EMBOSS administration guide" by David Martin is complete.

Alan has implemented for all applications which use the graph object (except cirDNA and linDNA) the -data command line option, which generates a file of data for the graphical objects. Various minor bugs noticed at the Bergen meeting have been fixed and Alan reported two new applications, BTWISTED (for calculating energies and torsion angles in B-DNA) and EMOWSE (for peptide mass search).

Alan and Val reported on two successful EMBOSS meetings A two-day meeting in Bergen covered EMBOSS administration and programming (day 1) and the use of EMBOSS (day 2). A 1 day EBI industrial workshop was attended by 17 participants and concentrated on EMBOSS installation and use. Val updated the EMBOSS tutorial for the EBI meeting.

Val suggested changes to cvs so that developers outside of HGMP cs group will be able to make changes to the cvs depository. Alan will look into this.

It was agreed that all available documentary and training materials should be deposited in cvs.

Tim will work on the plotcon program for plotting alignment similarity.

2. Date Of Next Meeting

Next meeting to be held on Monday 18th September, HGMP