EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Fri 2nd May 2003)
Alan Bleasby, Gary Williams, Damian Counsell, Jon Ison, Claude Beazley, Tim Carver
Thomas Laurent
Cambridge Uni:
Dave Judge
Adam Lowe, Peter Rice
1. Minutes of the last meeting
Minutes of the meeting of 21st March 2003 are here
2. Outstanding action points
From previous meetings:
ACD docs need updating (action PMR, 2003-02-21)
MEME documentation is required (action AJB, 2003-02-21)
Look into binary downloads for MAC OS 10 (AL, 2003-03-07)
Research automatic conversion of html to docbook (Adam can provide a script to help with the reformatting) (TJS, 2003-03-07)
Provide GW with text thanking providers of emboss machines for their support (AJB, 2003-03-21)
Provide documentation for propehcy (AJB, 2003-03-21)
Approach Malcolm Herbert about RedHat Linux distribution for bioinformatics. (DC, 2003-03-21)
3. Progress on action points
The following tasks have been completed:
EMBASSY QA tests need incorporating (PMR, 2003-02-21)
ACD log file too verbose & old ACDpretty to be removed (PMR, 2003-02-21)
Help with setting up a Jemboss client/server if appropriate for SM (action
TJC, 2003-02-21)
Preliminary look into DTI funding for EMBOSS (DC, 2003-03-21)
The following action points are postponed until further notice
Prepare training course / demo on "Documentation of EMBOSS Software" (the use of XML Mind etc) (DC & TJS, 2003-03-07)
Preliminary look into industry funding for EMBOSS (JCI, 2003-03-21)
4. Software Development
Peter reported that feature table updates have been committed.
Tim reported that the JEMBOSS install script will now cover installation of EMBASSY packages.
5. Documentation
Damian reported that all 3 book proposals are in a final, polished state. He has approached Addison Wesley and will approach O'Reilly, Prentice Hall, John Hopkins, Imperial College and Cambridge University Press.
6. Administration
Alan reported that an EMBOSS delegation will visit MS soon to see Andrew Herbert and his chief software engineer to further discuss a potential collaboration.
We decided a reasonable release time for version 2.7.0 would be mid-May.
7. AOB
Alan reported that a JEMBOSS paper had been accepted for publication by Bioinformatics.
Jon reported that EMBOSS was mentioned in a paper he'd written of Waqas Awan's PhD work.
3. Date Of Next Meeting
Next meeting to be held at 9.30 on May 16 2003, Loft Room 2