EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Fri 19th September 2003)


HGMP: Jon Ison, Gary Williams, Damian Counsell, Lisa Mullan, Claude Beazley
Lion: Thomas Laurent
Cambridge Uni:
EBI: Peter Rice

Apologies: Rodrigo Lopez Alan Bleasby

Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting of 5th September 2003 are here

1. Action points

1.1 From this meetings:
Investigate bug tracking system (PMR, 2003-09-19)
Investigate WIKI FAQ list (DC, 2003-09-19)
Convert graphics to grout (PMR, 2003-09-19)

1.2 From previous meetings:
ACD docs need updating (action PMR, 2003-02-21)
MEME documentation is required (action AJB, 2003-02-21)
Provide documentation for propehcy (AJB, 2003-03-21)
Look at converting Phylip documentation to EMBOSS (action GW, 2003-07025)

1.3 No longer required:
Inform GES guys of licensing issues wrt wordmatching algorithm. (action PMR, 2003-07-11)

2. Software Development

Tim reported he'd committed jaligner, a java implementation of Smith-Waterman algorithm, to the Jemboss directory.

Tim has added the prettyplot options to the Jemboss Alignment Editor and an pair identity table.

3. Documentation & Training

3.1 EMBOSS quick guide (Lisa)

Lisa mentioned that she'll start working on a new EMBOSS quick guide. Gary mentioned there was lots of stuff on the existing one that was no longer appropriate and that he'd go through it.

3.2 Book deals (Damian)

Damian mentioned that CUP had sent draft contracts of 3 book proposals. These were discussed.

3.3 Policy on general questions to EMBOSS-bug that don't get answered? (Damian)

The requirement for a bug tracking system, for a FAQ based on WIKI, and integration of the existing mass of questions and answers from the mailing lists were discussed.

Peter mentioned that EMBNet News was discussed at the EMBNet meeting where the payment for articles was discussed. Peter might contribute an article on seqret.

4. Administration

5. AOB

GPL licensing was discussed. No one raised an objection to the existing license but it was agreed that if and when a GPL license comes out that we are not happy with we can always revert to GPL version 2.

6. Date Of Next Meeting

Next meeting to be held at 9.30 on October 3 2003, Pompeiian Room, Hinxton Hall