EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Mon 12th June 2006) |
Peter has successfully installed EMBOSSWIN. An extra line at the end of entret output turned out to be a standard newline in the Windows comand prompt window.
Alan has added a new CVS tree emboss-ms to hold "projects" for building plplot, clustalw, primer3, and others for EMBOSSWIN. So far plplot does not include libpng.
Alan is resuming work on the DOM parser library.
Peter is working on Henrikki Almusa's submissions. Digest is updated to work on multiple sequences. A program to generate random sequences (makeseq) is split into nucleotide (makenucseq) and protein (makeproseq) versions to make the ACD interfaces simpler. Pattern list files are to be tried this week. Peter will be in Helsinki later this week and will meet Henrikki. More news at the next EMBOSS meeting.
GFF3 is now used as the internal format for storing nucleotide feature annotation. Some of the changes also allowed the table of swissprot/pir feature key conversions to be removed. Each EFeatures file now has an internal identifier used to share annotation.
Jon has completed meme and mast, which only need to be committed and have QA tests defined.
Peter will be discussing Henrikki's submissions with him and with Medicel in Helsinki later this week.
Peter will generate program and source docuemntation for past releases and copy to the website. The program documentation will be the standard release HTML files with only graphics to be included.
Next meeting is on a Tuesday again, 27th June. Back to the normal Mondays after that.