EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Mon 25th June 07)


EBI: Peter Rice, Alan Bleasby, Jon Ison, Mahmut Uludag
Apologies: Shaun McGlinchey, Martin Senger, Rodrigo Lopez, Tim Carver

1. Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting of 11th June 2007 are here.

2. Software Development

2.1 Libraries

Peter has committed all function renaming and code updates. No further work is planned before the release.

2.2 Windows

Alan has JEMBOSS on Windows ready for the release as "mEMBOSS". We may add the 32-bit and 64-bit C run-time libraries but we have no 64-bit windows developer system available for testing. Java is now required to install mEMBOSS on Windows, to provide Jemboss support.

2.3 Other development

Mahmut has completed the JAX-WS development for SoapLab 2.

In preparation for changing all SoapLab services to use the latest EMBOSS release, Mahmut has a utility to test 2.8.0 and 4.1.0 results. This can continue once 5.0.0 is released. No problems have been found with any of the command line arguments used by SoapLab calls.

EMBRACE web service documentation had broken links which are now fixed. Alan will provide SoapLab support while Mahmut is away.

3. Administration

Alan is looking into specifications for a server, waiting for pricing for systems-maintained disk space.

Alan updated the developer machines to Fedora 7.

3.1 Release 5.0.0

Peter will mail a request for users to nominate obsolete applications, and suggested replacements. Peter will mail a list of previously suggested new applications and feature requests from past email archives to complete the set on SourceForge.

4. Documentation and Training

4.1 Books

Jon has revised and completed the ACD documentation, and the ACD programming section.

The user book will have a section on Taverna, including calls to SoapLab2 services, to be added when SoapLab2 is released.

5. User queries and answers

No new issues.

6. AOB


7. Date Of Next Meeting

Peter is away on vacation and then at BOSC and ISMB/ECCB in July. The next meeting is on Monday 6th August.