EMBOSS: C2 ACD files
Current data types:
- Bool
- Codon (Codon usage table)
- Feature table (currently GFF)
- Float
- Graph (Graphic output)
- Graphxy (XY plot output)
- Infile
- Int
- List (menu or checkboxes of text and named options, see also "select")
- Matrix (integer comparison matrix)
- Matrixf (floating point comparison matrix)
- Outfile
- Outseq
- Outseqset
- Outseqall
- Range (of sequence positions)
- Select (menu or checkboxes of options, see also "list")
- Sequence
- Seqseq
- Seqall
- String
Future plans
The AJAX Command Definition files now have a stable syntax. Many
options can be added. Those under consideration include:
Groups of data items with text messages displayed before prompts,
only if the user will be prompted. Also could be used to divide forms
into sections.
Section marks like <HR> in HTML to divide up prompts and to
defined sections in any menu definition.
Blank lines - currently there is no blank line between prompts.
- Dependencies use defaults (values set by the user), attribute
values (from the ACD file) and calculated values (e.g. sequence length).
- More complex relations use operations such as true/false,
addition, and case statements. The syntax is "@()" with operators inside
the parentheses.
- New data types are easily added. Plans include extending data
files of various types (we already have comparison matrix and codon
usage). Application developers should help define any new data types
which we can add to the ACD syntax.