EMBOSS: C2 Workshops And Training

This is the second EMBOSS Workshop. The 1st EMBOSS Workshop was held in Hinxton, UK in September 1998.

Both workshops so far have been aimed at the EMBnet community and held together with the EMBnet AGM.

There will be a CCP11 International Meeting on Developing Software Tools for Bioinformatics in Hinxton on December 17th, 1999 which will include EMBOSS.

We would like to arrange more workshops and training course, and to target them more for specific audiences.


  1. Workshops and training courses for system managers The first will be part of the EMBnet course for Bioinformatics System Managers in Madrid in October 1999.
  2. Workshops and training courses for trainers
  3. Workshops and training courses for users The first user training session was at the ICGEB course at the Chinese EMBnet Node in April 1999.
  4. Workshops and training courses for developers
  5. Workshops and training courses for industry