
Section: Operators

These functions use the contents of an instance but do not make any changes.

embScopToPdbidRead a scop identifier code and writes the equivalent pdb identifier code
embScopToSpRead a scop identifier code and writes the equivalent swissprot identifier code. Relies on a list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.
embScopToAccRead a scop identifier code and writes the equivalent accession number. Relies on a list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.

Function embScopToPdbid

Read a scop identifier code and writes the equivalent pdb identifier code


AjPStr embScopToPdbid (
      const AjPStr scop,
      AjPStr* pdb

const AjPStrscopInputScop identifier code
AjPStr*pdbOutputPdb identifier code
AjPStr RETURNPointer to pdb identifier code.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embScopToSp

Read a scop identifier code and writes the equivalent swissprot identifier code. Relies on a list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.


AjBool embScopToSp (
      const AjPStr scop,
      AjPStr* spr,
      const AjPList list

const AjPStrscopInputScop domain identifier code
AjPStr*sprOutputSwissprot identifier code
const AjPListlistInputSorted list of Pdbtosp objects
AjBool RETURNTrue if a swissprot identifier code was found for the Scop code.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function embScopToAcc

Read a scop identifier code and writes the equivalent accession number. Relies on a list of Pdbtosp objects sorted by PDB code, which is usually obtained by a call to ajPdbtospReadAllNew.


AjBool embScopToAcc (
      const AjPStr scop,
      AjPStr* acc,
      const AjPList list

const AjPStrscopInputScop domain identifier code
AjPStr*accOutputAccession number
const AjPListlistInputSorted list of Pdbtosp objects
AjBool RETURNTrue if a swissprot identifier code was found for the Scop code.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0