
Section: Show Sequence Constructors

All constructors return a new show sequence object by pointer. The target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is good programming practice to do so anyway.

embShowNewCreates a new sequence show object.

Function embShowNew

Creates a new sequence show object.


EmbPShow embShowNew (
      const AjPSeq seq,
      ajint begin,
      ajint end,
      ajint width,
      ajint length,
      ajint margin,
      AjBool html,
      ajint offset

const AjPSeqseqInputSequence to describe
ajintbeginInputstart position in sequence
ajintendInputend position in sequence
ajintwidthInputwidth of displayed sequence on a line
ajintlengthInputlength of a page in lines (0=no length)
ajintmarginInputmargin for numbers etc.
AjBoolhtmlInputformat output for HTML
ajintoffsetInputnumber to start display of position numbering at
EmbPShow RETURNNew sequence show object.

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Section: Show Sequence Destructors

Destruction destroys all internal data structures and frees the memory allocated for the show sequence object.

embShowDelDeletes a show sequence object.

Function embShowDel

Deletes a show sequence object.


void embShowDel (
      EmbPShow* pthis

EmbPShow*pthisDeleteShow sequence object

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Section: Show Sequence Assignments

These functions add to the show sequence object provided as the first argument.

embShowAddSeqAdds the sequence to be displayed to the list of things to show This must be done before the final printing is done as without a sequence to hang all the other features and things on, there can be no output to show.
embShowAddBlankAdds a blank line to the list of things to show.
embShowAddTicksAdds a ticks line to the list of things to show.
embShowAddTicknumAdds a ticks number line to the list of things to show.
embShowAddCompAdds the sequence complement to be displayed to the list of things to show
embShowAddTranAdds the translation to be displayed to the list of things to show
embShowAddREAdds the Restriction Enzymes to be displayed to the list of things to show
embShowAddFTAdds the Features to be displayed to the list of things to show
embShowAddNoteAdds the annotations to be displayed to the list of things to show

Function embShowAddSeq

Adds the sequence to be displayed to the list of things to show This must be done before the final printing is done as without a sequence to hang all the other features and things on, there can be no output to show.


void embShowAddSeq (
      EmbPShow thys,
      AjBool number,
      AjBool threeletter,
      const AjPRange upperrange,
      const AjPRange colour

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object
AjBoolnumberInputNumber the sequence
AjBoolthreeletterInputUse three letter protein code
const AjPRangeupperrangeInputRange of sequence to uppercase
const AjPRangecolourInputRange of sequence to colour in HTML

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddBlank

Adds a blank line to the list of things to show.


void embShowAddBlank (
      EmbPShow thys

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddTicks

Adds a ticks line to the list of things to show.


void embShowAddTicks (
      EmbPShow thys

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddTicknum

Adds a ticks number line to the list of things to show.


void embShowAddTicknum (
      EmbPShow thys

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddComp

Adds the sequence complement to be displayed to the list of things to show


void embShowAddComp (
      EmbPShow thys,
      AjBool number

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object
AjBoolnumberInputajTrue = number the complement

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddTran

Adds the translation to be displayed to the list of things to show


void embShowAddTran (
      EmbPShow thys,
      const AjPTrn trnTable,
      ajint frame,
      AjBool threeletter,
      AjBool number,
      const AjPRange regions,
      ajint orfminsize,
      AjBool lcinterorf,
      AjBool firstorf,
      AjBool lastorf,
      AjBool showframe

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object
const AjPTrntrnTableInputTranslation table
ajintframeInputReading frame to translate
AjBoolthreeletterInputajTrue for 3 letter code
AjBoolnumberInputajTrue for numbering
const AjPRangeregionsInputSequence range(s)
ajintorfminsizeInputMinimum length of ORF to be shown
AjBoollcinterorfInputajTrue to put inter-orf regions in lowercase
AjBoolfirstorfInputajTrue beginning of the seq is a possible ORF
AjBoollastorfInputajTrue end of the seq is a possible ORF
AjBoolshowframeInputajTrue write the frame number

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddRE

Adds the Restriction Enzymes to be displayed to the list of things to show


void embShowAddRE (
      EmbPShow thys,
      ajint sense,
      const AjPList restrictlist,
      AjBool plasmid,
      AjBool flat

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object
ajintsenseInputsense to translate (+1 or -1)
const AjPListrestrictlistInputrestriction enzyme cut site list
AjBoolplasmidInputCircular (plasmid) sequence
AjBoolflatInputshow in flat format with recognition sites

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddFT

Adds the Features to be displayed to the list of things to show


void embShowAddFT (
      EmbPShow thys,
      const AjPFeattable feat

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object
const AjPFeattablefeatInputfeatures

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function embShowAddNote

Adds the annotations to be displayed to the list of things to show


void embShowAddNote (
      EmbPShow thys,
      const AjPRange regions

EmbPShowthysModifyShow sequence object
const AjPRangeregionsInputSequence range(s)

From EMBOSS 2.1.0

Section: Show Sequence Operators

These functions use the contents of a Show object but do not modify it.

embShowPrintPrints a Show object

Function embShowPrint

Prints a Show object


void embShowPrint (
      AjPFile out,
      const EmbPShow thys

AjPFileoutModifyOutput file handle
const EmbPShowthysInputShow sequence object

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Section: Show Fill Assignments

These functions fill out the sequence and features lines according to the descriptor data.

embShowUpperRangeUppercase a string from a sequence with a range I.e ranges of a sequence are to be uppercased. We have a small region of the original sequence in a string. We want to uppercase any bits of the string that are in the ranges.
embShowColourRangecolour a string from a sequence with a range I.e ranges of a sequence are to be coloured in HTML. We have a small region of the original sequence in a string. We want to colour any bits of the string that are in the ranges.

Function embShowUpperRange

Uppercase a string from a sequence with a range I.e ranges of a sequence are to be uppercased. We have a small region of the original sequence in a string. We want to uppercase any bits of the string that are in the ranges.


void embShowUpperRange (
      AjPStr* line,
      const AjPRange upperrange,
      ajuint pos

AjPStr*lineModifyline to uppercase if it is in the ranges
const AjPRangeupperrangeInputrange of original sequence to uppercase
ajuintposInputposition in sequence that line starts at

From EMBOSS 1.13.0

Function embShowColourRange

colour a string from a sequence with a range I.e ranges of a sequence are to be coloured in HTML. We have a small region of the original sequence in a string. We want to colour any bits of the string that are in the ranges.


void embShowColourRange (
      AjPStr* line,
      const AjPRange colour,
      ajuint pos

AjPStr*lineModifyline to colour if it is in the ranges
const AjPRangecolourInputrange of original sequence to colour
ajuintposInputposition in sequence that line starts at

From EMBOSS 1.13.0