
Section: Constructors

All constructors return a pointer to a new instance. It is the responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous instance. The target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is good programming practice to do so anyway.

ajDmxScophitNewConstructor for an AJAX SCOP Hit object.
ajDmxScopalgNewConstructor for an AJAX SCOP Alignment object. This is normally called by the ajDmxScopalgRead function. Fore-knowledge of the number of sequences is required.
ajDmxScopalgReadRead an AJAX SCOP Alignment object from an AJAX File.

Function ajDmxScophitNew

Constructor for an AJAX SCOP Hit object.


AjPScophit ajDmxScophitNew (

AjPScophit RETURNAJAX SCOP Hit object

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgNew

Constructor for an AJAX SCOP Alignment object. This is normally called by the ajDmxScopalgRead function. Fore-knowledge of the number of sequences is required.


AjPScopalg ajDmxScopalgNew (
      ajuint n

ajuintnInputNumber of sequences
AjPScopalg RETURNAJAX SCOP Alignment object

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgRead

Read an AJAX SCOP Alignment object from an AJAX File.


AjBool ajDmxScopalgRead (
      AjPFile inf,
      AjPScopalg* Pscopalg

AjPFileinfModifyInput AJAX File
AjPScopalg*PscopalgOutputAJAX SCOP Alignment address
AjBool RETURNTrue if the file contained any data, even an empty alignment. False if the file did not contain a 'TY' record, which is taken to indicate a domain alignment file.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Structure Destructors

All destructor functions receive the address of the instance to be deleted. The original pointer is set to NULL so is ready for re-use.

ajDmxScophitDelDestructor for an AJAX SCOP Hit object.
ajDmxScophitDelWrapWrapper to destructor for an AJAX SCOP Hit object for use with generic functions.
ajDmxScopalgDelDestructor for an AJAX SCOP Alignment object.

Function ajDmxScophitDel

Destructor for an AJAX SCOP Hit object.


void ajDmxScophitDel (
      AjPScophit* Pscophit

AjPScophit*PscophitOutputAJAX Scophit address

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitDelWrap

Wrapper to destructor for an AJAX SCOP Hit object for use with generic functions.


void ajDmxScophitDelWrap (
      void** Pitem

void**PitemDeleteAJAX SCOP Hit address

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgDel

Destructor for an AJAX SCOP Alignment object.


void ajDmxScopalgDel (
      AjPScopalg* Pscopalg

AjPScopalg*PscopalgDeleteAJAX SCOP Alignment address

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Assignments

These functions overwrite the instance provided as the first argument A NULL value is always acceptable so these functions are often used to create a new instance by assignment.

ajDmxScophitListCopyRead an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects and return a pointer to a duplicate of the AJAX List.
ajDmxScophitCopyCopies the contents from one AJAX SCOP Hit object to another.

Function ajDmxScophitListCopy

Read an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects and return a pointer to a duplicate of the AJAX List.


AjPList ajDmxScophitListCopy (
      const AjPList scophits

const AjPListscophitsInputAJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects
AjPList RETURNTrue on success (list was duplicated ok)

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCopy

Copies the contents from one AJAX SCOP Hit object to another.


AjBool ajDmxScophitCopy (
      AjPScophit* Pto,
      const AjPScophit from

AjPScophit*PtoOutputAJAX SCOP Hit address
const AjPScophitfromInputAJAX SCOP Hit
AjBool RETURNTrue if copy was successful.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Modifiers

These functions use the contents of an instance and update them.

ajDmxScophitTargetLowPrioritySets the Target element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object to ajTrue if its Priority is low.
ajDmxScophitTarget2Sets the Target2 element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object to ajTrue.
ajDmxScophitTargetSets the Target element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object to ajTrue.

Function ajDmxScophitTargetLowPriority

Sets the Target element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object to ajTrue if its Priority is low.


AjBool ajDmxScophitTargetLowPriority (
      AjPScophit* Pscophit

AjPScophit*PscophitModifyAJAX SCOP Hit address
AjBool RETURNTrue on success. False otherwise.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitTarget2

Sets the Target2 element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object to ajTrue.


AjBool ajDmxScophitTarget2 (
      AjPScophit* Pscophit

AjPScophit*PscophitModifyAJAX SCOP Hit address
AjBool RETURNTrue on success. False otherwise.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitTarget

Sets the Target element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object to ajTrue.


AjBool ajDmxScophitTarget (
      AjPScophit* Pscophit

AjPScophit*PscophitModifyAJAX SCOP Hit address
AjBool RETURNTrue on success. False otherwise.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Operators

These functions use the contents of an instance but do not make any changes.

ajDmxScophitCheckTargetChecks to see if the Target element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object equals ajTrue.

Function ajDmxScophitCheckTarget

Checks to see if the Target element of an AJAX SCOP Hit object equals ajTrue.


AjBool ajDmxScophitCheckTarget (
      const AjPScophit scophit

const AjPScophitscophitInputAJAX SCOP Hit
AjBool RETURNReturns ajTrue if the Target element of the AAX SCOP Hit object equals ajTrue, returns ajFalse otherwise.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Reporters

These functions return the contents of an instance but do not make any changes.

ajDmxScophitCompScoreFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by score member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompPvalFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Pval member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompAccFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Acc member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompSunidFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Sunid_Family member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompSprFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Spr member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompEndFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by End member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompStartFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Start member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompFamFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Family member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompSfamFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Superfamily member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompClassFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Class member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScophitCompFoldFunction to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Fold member. Usually called by ajListSort.
ajDmxScopalgGetseqsRead an AJAX SCOP Alignment object and write an array of AJAX Strong objects containing the sequences without gaps.
ajDmxScophitsWriteWrite contents of an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects to an AJAX File in EMBL-like format. Text for Class, Architecture, Topology, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text is available.
ajDmxScophitsWriteFastaWrite contents of an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects to an AJAX File in DHF format. Text for Class, Archhitecture, Topology, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text is available.
ajDmxScophitReadFastaRead an AJAX SCOP Hit object from a file in extended FASTA format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).
ajDmxScopalgWriteWrite an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX FIle in EMBOSS simple multiple sequence format (same as that used by clustal) annotated with domain classification as below (records are for SCOP domains in this example):
ajDmxScopalgWriteClustalWrite an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX File in CLUSTAL format (just the alignment without the domain classification information).
ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal2Write an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX File in CLUSTAL format (just the alignment without the domain classification information).
ajDmxScopalgWriteFastaWrite an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX File in FASTA format (just the alignment without the domain classification information).

Function ajDmxScophitCompScore

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by score member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompScore (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN1 if score1 < score2, 0 if score1 == score2, else -1.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompPval

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Pval member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompPval (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN1 if Pval1 > Pval2, 0 if Pval1 == Pval2, else -1.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompAcc

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Acc member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompAcc (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Acc1 should sort before Acc2, +1 if the Acc2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical in length and content.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompSunid

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Sunid_Family member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompSunid (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Sunid_Family1 < Sunid_Family2, +1 if the Sunid_Family2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompSpr

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Spr member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompSpr (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Spr1 should sort before Spr2, +1 if the Spr2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical in length and content.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompEnd

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by End member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompEnd (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if End1 should sort before End2, +1 if the End2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompStart

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Start member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompStart (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Start1 should sort before Start2, +1 if the Start2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompFam

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Family member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompFam (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Family1 should sort before Family2, +1 if the Family2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompSfam

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Superfamily member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompSfam (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Superfamily1 should sort before Superfamily2, +1 if the Superfamily2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompClass

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Class member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompClass (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Class1 should sort before Class2, +1 if the Class2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajDmxScophitCompFold

Function to compare AJAX SCOP Hit objects by Fold member. Usually called by ajListSort.


ajint ajDmxScophitCompFold (
      const void* item1,
      const void* item2

const void*item1InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 1
const void*item2InputAJAX SCOP Hit address 2
ajint RETURN-1 if Fold1 should sort before Fold2, +1 if the Fold2 should sort first. 0 if they are identical.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgGetseqs

Read an AJAX SCOP Alignment object and write an array of AJAX Strong objects containing the sequences without gaps.


ajuint ajDmxScopalgGetseqs (
      const AjPScopalg scopalg,
      AjPStr** array

const AjPScopalgscopalgInputAJAX SCOP Alignment
AjPStr**arrayOutputArray of AJAX String objects
ajuint RETURNNumber of sequences read

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitsWrite

Write contents of an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects to an AJAX File in EMBL-like format. Text for Class, Architecture, Topology, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text is available.


AjBool ajDmxScophitsWrite (
      AjPFile outf,
      const AjPList scophits

AjPFileoutfOutputOutput file stream
const AjPListscophitsInputAJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects
AjBool RETURNTrue on success

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScophitsWriteFasta

Write contents of an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects to an AJAX File in DHF format. Text for Class, Archhitecture, Topology, Fold, Superfamily and Family is only written if the text is available.


AjBool ajDmxScophitsWriteFasta (
      AjPFile outf,
      const AjPList scophits

AjPFileoutfOutputAJAX Output File stream
const AjPListscophitsInputAJAX List of AJAX SCOP Hit objects
AjBool RETURNTrue on success

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajDmxScophitReadFasta

Read an AJAX SCOP Hit object from a file in extended FASTA format (see documentation for the DOMAINATRIX "seqsearch" application).


AjPScophit ajDmxScophitReadFasta (
      AjPFile inf

AjPFileinfModifyAJAX Input file stream
AjPScophit RETURNAJAX SCOP Hit object, or NULL if the file was not in extended FASTA (DHF) format (indicated by a token count of the the lines beginning with '>').

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajDmxScopalgWrite

Write an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX FIle in EMBOSS simple multiple sequence format (same as that used by clustal) annotated with domain classification as below (records are for SCOP domains in this example):


AjBool ajDmxScopalgWrite (
      const AjPScopalg scopalg,
      AjPFile outf

const AjPScopalgscopalgInputAJAX SCOP Alignment
AjPFileoutfModifyAJAX Output file stream
AjBool RETURNTrue on success (an alignment was written)

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal

Write an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX File in CLUSTAL format (just the alignment without the domain classification information).


AjBool ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal (
      const AjPScopalg scopalg,
      AjPFile outf

const AjPScopalgscopalgInputAJAX SCOP Alignment
AjPFileoutfModifyAJAX Outfile file
AjBool RETURNTrue on success (a file has been written)

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal2

Write an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX File in CLUSTAL format (just the alignment without the domain classification information).


AjBool ajDmxScopalgWriteClustal2 (
      const AjPScopalg scopalg,
      AjPFile outf

const AjPScopalgscopalgInputAJAX SCOP Alignment
AjPFileoutfModifyAJAX Outfile file
AjBool RETURNTrue on success (a file has been written)

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxScopalgWriteFasta

Write an AJAX SCOP Alignment object to an AJAX File in FASTA format (just the alignment without the domain classification information).


AjBool ajDmxScopalgWriteFasta (
      const AjPScopalg scopalg,
      AjPFile outf

const AjPScopalgscopalgInputAJAX SCOP Alignment
AjPFileoutfModifyAJAX Outfile file
AjBool RETURNTrue on success (a file has been written)

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Section: Miscellaneous

These functions may have diverse functions that do not fit into the other categories.

ajDmxScopSeqFromSunidWrite a sequence corresponding to an AJAX SCOP domain given a Sunid for the domain. The sequence is taken from one of an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP objects that is provided. The SWISS-Prot sequence is taken in priority over the PDB sequence.
ajDmxExitCleanup of Dmx function internals.
ajDmxDummyFunctionDummy function to catch all unused functions defined in the ajdmx source file.

Function ajDmxScopSeqFromSunid

Write a sequence corresponding to an AJAX SCOP domain given a Sunid for the domain. The sequence is taken from one of an AJAX List of AJAX SCOP objects that is provided. The SWISS-Prot sequence is taken in priority over the PDB sequence.


AjBool ajDmxScopSeqFromSunid (
      ajint identifier,
      AjPStr* seq,
      const AjPList scops

ajintidentifierInputSearch term
AjPStr*seqOutputResult sequence
const AjPListscopsInputSorted AJAX List of AJAX SCOP objects
AjBool RETURNTrue if a SWISS-Prot identifier code was found for the PDB code.

From EMBOSS 2.9.0

Function ajDmxExit

Cleanup of Dmx function internals.


void ajDmxExit (


From EMBOSS 6.1.0

Function ajDmxDummyFunction

Dummy function to catch all unused functions defined in the ajdmx source file.


void ajDmxDummyFunction (


From EMBOSS 2.9.0