see Sun's
Java Web Start FAQ.
The advantage of using Java Web Start (other than being able to use a web-launch)
is it will update from the web server if there is a new release of Jemboss.
Java Web Start uses the proxy information in your browser to access the server,
this can be changed by running javaws (on unix) or clicking on the Java Web Start
icon (on windows).
Alternatively, download the EMBOSS and Jemboss code from
and follow the instructions for installing it on your platform.
Mozilla may need you to register Web Start manually as a helper
application to Mozilla on non-Windows boxes. Here are the steps:
- Select Preferences -> Navigator -> Helper App
- Add the following settings
Field | Value |
extension | jnlp |
mime type | application/x-java-jnlp-file |
handled by application | /javaws.exe |
getting font not found messages with java1.3
see the Font Properties section in Sun's
release notes. This does seem to have been fixed in java 1.4.
Reference for Jemboss
Tim Carver and Alan Bleasby,
The design of Jemboss: a graphical user interface to EMBOSS,
Bioinformatics, Volume 19, No. 14, pp. 1837-1843, 2003.
Tim J Carver, Lisa J Mullan,
Comparative and Functional Genomics,
"A new graphical user interface to EMBOSS"
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 75-78, 2002.
L.J. Mullan and T.J. Carver, Cyberbiochemist - Point, click and analyse!, The Biochemist, Volume 24, No. 2, pp. 39-40, 2002.