A script is provided to help setup a Jemboss launch web-page for sites with their own Jemboss server installed. The script should be run from the EMBOSS installed location (rather than the EMBOSS download area) because it will include in the jar files it makes, any client keystore file necessary if SSL is used for client-server communication. It produces the signed jar files and the Jemboss JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) file. The script can be run from:
cd $EMBOSS_INSTALL/share/EMBOSS/jemboss/utils
This script will create the signed jar files that are downloaded (via http) using Java Web Start. The 'index.html' created needs to be edited to point at the 'Jemboss.jnlp' file on your http server. The 'Jemboss.jnlp' files needs to be edited to point the codebase at the directory containing the jar files.
For your http server to recognise the jnlp application, the following
line needs to be added to the mime.types file on the server side:
application/x-java-jnlp-file jnlp
The following shows what the above script will cover and produce, and may be useful if you are not using the script or wish to understand further what is necessary to setup the web launch page. The format of the jnlp is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<offline-allowed />
<homepage href="/Jemboss/"/>
<description kind="short">User
interface to EMBOSS.
<icon href="../Jemboss_logo_large.gif"/>
<j2se version="1.3+"/>
<jar href="saxis.jar"/>
<jar href="scommons-logging.jar"/>
<jar href="scommons-discovery.jar"/>
<jar href="sJemboss.jar"
<jar href="sjakarta-regexp-1.2.jar"/>
<jar href="sjalview.jar"
<jar href="sJembossPrintAlignment.jar"/>
<jar href="sjcert.jar"/>
<jar href="sjnet.jar"/>
<jar href="sjsse.jar"/>
<jar href="ssaaj.jar"/>
<jar href="sxerces.jar"/>
<application-desc main-class="org.emboss.jemboss.Jemboss"/>
For your http server to recognise the jnlp application, the following
line needs to be added to the mime.types file:
application/x-java-jnlp-file jnlp
Create the Jemboss.jar file, using $EMBOSS_ROOT/utils/makeJar.csh.
Then create the
jar files (e.g. sJemboss.jar, ssoap.jar, sjakarta-regexp-1.2.jar,
sxerces.jar, sactivation.jar). The Jemboss.jar you make should contain
the jemboss.properties file that defaults the client to the server at your
To create Jemboss.jar:
cd $EMBOSS_ROOT/jemboss/utils
You can use Java 'keytool' to generate your own keystore:
keytool -genkey -alias signFiles -keypass yourKeyPass -keystore
jembossstore -storepass yourStorePass
Replacing 'yourKeyPass' and 'yourStorePass' with your own passwords.
Then use jarsigner to sign all the jar files:
jarsigner -keystore jembossstore -signedjar sJemboss.jar Jemboss.jar
Enter Passphrase for keystore: <yourKeyPass>
Enter key password for signFiles: <yourStorePass>