EMBOSS Meetings


Forthcoming meetings and events

For futher information or to book a place on a course please email Jon Ison .

EMBOSS Software Development Course

We run regular hands-on courses in 'Bioinformatics Software Development using EMBOSS', usually in the training room at Hinxton Hall, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK.

The course gives a good introduction to programming in EMBOSS. By the end of the course you will be experienced in all the steps in writing a basic bioinformatics application using the EMBOSS programming libraries.

The full course is available on-line.

Coordination meetings

The EMBOSS Project is co-ordinated by Peter Rice, Alan Bleasby and Jon Ison at the European Bioinformatics Institute.

Fortnightly co-ordination meetings are held locally (EBI Room A201: next to EBI reception) and anyone visiting the site is welcome to attend.
Some pictures of a typical meeting.

A nice picture of EMBOSS in the Antarctic.

Another nice picture of EMBOSS in the Arctic.

As a compromise, a picture of EMBOSS very close to the equator (in Singapore).

Another picture of EMBOSS very close to the equator, this time at 5000m on Chimborazo. The peak of this mountain is the highest point on Earth, measured from the centre.

A more scary picture of EMBOSS in the Everglades.

An even more scary picture of EMBOSS in the Everglades.

We would like a few more pictures of EMBOSS from around the world.


Colloquia and other workshops are held whenever sufficient numbers of external developers can be gathered together and are usually associated with other events.