
Section: Range Constructors

All constructors return a new object by pointer. It is the responsibility of the user to first destroy any previous object. The target pointer does not need to be initialised to NULL, but it is good programming practice to do so anyway.

ajRangeNewIDefault constructor for AJAX range objects.
ajRangeNewFilenameLoad a range object from a file
ajRangeNewFilenameLimitsLoad a range object from a file
ajRangeNewRangeCopy constructor for AJAX range objects.
ajRangeNewStringCreate a range object from a string
ajRangeNewStringLimitsCreate a range object from a string

Function ajRangeNewI

Default constructor for AJAX range objects.


AjPRange ajRangeNewI (
      ajuint n

ajuintnInputnumber of ranges
AjPRange RETURNPointer to a range object

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function ajRangeNewFilename

Load a range object from a file


AjPRange ajRangeNewFilename (
      const AjPStr name

const AjPStrnameInputrange file name
AjPRange RETURNrange object

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeNewFilenameLimits

Load a range object from a file


AjPRange ajRangeNewFilenameLimits (
      const AjPStr name,
      ajuint imin,
      ajuint imax,
      ajuint minsize,
      ajuint size

const AjPStrnameInputrange file name
ajuintiminInputMinimum value
ajuintimaxInputMaximum value
ajuintminsizeInputMinimum number of values
ajuintsizeInputRequired number of values, zero for unlimited
AjPRange RETURNrange object

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeNewRange

Copy constructor for AJAX range objects.


AjPRange ajRangeNewRange (
      const AjPRange src

const AjPRangesrcInputSource range
AjPRange RETURNPointer to a range object

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeNewString

Create a range object from a string


AjPRange ajRangeNewString (
      const AjPStr str

const AjPStrstrInputrange string
AjPRange RETURNrange object

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeNewStringLimits

Create a range object from a string


AjPRange ajRangeNewStringLimits (
      const AjPStr str,
      ajuint imin,
      ajuint imax,
      ajuint minsize,
      ajuint size

const AjPStrstrInputrange string
ajuintiminInputMinimum value
ajuintimaxInputMaximum value
ajuintminsizeInputMinimum number of values
ajuintsizeInputRequired number of values, zero for unlimited
AjPRange RETURNrange object

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Section: Range Destructors

Default destructor for AJAX range objects

ajRangeDelDefault destructor for AJAX range objects.

Function ajRangeDel

Default destructor for AJAX range objects.


void ajRangeDel (
      AjPRange* thys

AjPRange*thysDeleterange structure

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Section: Range Functions

Other functions for AJAX range objects

ajRangeGetSizeReturn the number of ranges in a range object
ajRangeElementGetTextReturn (as parameters) text value of a range element
ajRangeElementGetValuesReturn (as parameters) start and end values in a range
ajRangeElementSetSet the values of a start and end in a (pre-existing) range element
ajRangeSetOffsetSets the range values offset relative to the Begin value.
ajRangeSeqExtractListExtract the range from a sequence and place the resulting text in a list of strings.
ajRangeSeqExtractExtract the range from a sequence (Remove regions not in the range(s)) N.B. the resulting sequence will be regions of the original concatenated in the order specified in the set of ranges. If these are not in ascending order, the resulting sequence will not be in position order either.
ajRangeSeqExtractPepExtract the range from a sequence (Remove regions not in the range(s)) and translate to protein.
ajRangeSeqStuffThe opposite of ajRangeSeqExtract() Stuff space characters into a string to pad out to the range.
ajRangeSeqStuffPepThe opposite of ajRangeSeqExtractPep() Stuff space characters into a translated string to pad out to the range.
ajRangeSeqMaskMask the range in a String
ajRangeSeqToLowerChange the range in a String to lower-case
ajRangeStrExtractListExtract the range from a String and place the resulting text in a list of strings.
ajRangeStrExtractExtract the range from a String (Remove regions not in the range(s))
ajRangeStrStuffThe opposite of ajRangeStrExtract() Stuff space characters into a string to pad out to the range.
ajRangeStrMaskMask the positions defined by a range in a string
ajRangeStrToLowerChange positions defined by the range in a string to lower-case
ajRangeElementTypeOverlapDetect an overlap of a single range element to a region of a sequence
ajRangeCountOverlapsDetect overlaps of a set of ranges to a region of a sequence
ajRangeIsOrderedTests to see if the set of ranges are in ascending non-overlapping order
ajRangeIsWholeTest whether the default range is used for a sequence

Function ajRangeGetSize

Return the number of ranges in a range object


ajuint ajRangeGetSize (
      const AjPRange thys

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
ajuint RETURNnumber of ranges

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeElementGetText

Return (as parameters) text value of a range element


AjBool ajRangeElementGetText (
      const AjPRange thys,
      ajuint element,
      AjPStr* text

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
ajuintelementInputrange element (0 to n-1)
AjPStr*textOutputtext value
AjBool RETURNtrue if range exists

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeElementGetValues

Return (as parameters) start and end values in a range


AjBool ajRangeElementGetValues (
      const AjPRange thys,
      ajuint element,
      ajuint* start,
      ajuint* end

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
ajuintelementInputrange element (0 to n-1)
ajuint*startOutputstart value
ajuint*endOutputend value
AjBool RETURNtrue if range exists

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeElementSet

Set the values of a start and end in a (pre-existing) range element


AjBool ajRangeElementSet (
      AjPRange thys,
      ajuint element,
      ajuint start,
      ajuint end

AjPRangethysOutputrange object
ajuintelementInputrange element (0 to n-1)
ajuintstartInputstart value
ajuintendInputend value
AjBool RETURNtrue if range exists

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeSetOffset

Sets the range values offset relative to the Begin value.


AjBool ajRangeSetOffset (
      AjPRange thys,
      ajuint begin

AjPRangethysModifyrange object
ajuintbeginInputbegin parameter obtained from ajSeqGetBegin(seq)
AjBool RETURNtrue if region values modified

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeSeqExtractList

Extract the range from a sequence and place the resulting text in a list of strings.


AjBool ajRangeSeqExtractList (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPSeq seq,
      AjPList outliststr

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPSeqseqInputsequence to extract from
AjPListoutliststrOutputresulting list of strings
AjBool RETURNtrue if result is not the whole sequence

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajRangeSeqExtract

Extract the range from a sequence (Remove regions not in the range(s)) N.B. the resulting sequence will be regions of the original concatenated in the order specified in the set of ranges. If these are not in ascending order, the resulting sequence will not be in position order either.


AjBool ajRangeSeqExtract (
      const AjPRange thys,
      AjPSeq seq

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
AjBool RETURNtrue if sequence was modified

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajRangeSeqExtractPep

Extract the range from a sequence (Remove regions not in the range(s)) and translate to protein.


AjPSeq ajRangeSeqExtractPep (
      const AjPRange thys,
      AjPSeq seq,
      const AjPTrn trntable,
      ajint frame

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPTrntrntableInputTranslation table
ajintframeInputReading frame 1..3 or -1..-3
AjPSeq RETURNTranslated protein sequence

From EMBOSS 6.1.0

Function ajRangeSeqStuff

The opposite of ajRangeSeqExtract() Stuff space characters into a string to pad out to the range.


AjBool ajRangeSeqStuff (
      const AjPRange thys,
      AjPSeq seq

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
AjPSeqseqModifySequence to be modified
AjBool RETURNtrue if sequence was modified

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajRangeSeqStuffPep

The opposite of ajRangeSeqExtractPep() Stuff space characters into a translated string to pad out to the range.


AjBool ajRangeSeqStuffPep (
      const AjPRange thys,
      AjPSeq seq,
      ajint frame

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
AjPSeqseqModifySequence to be modified
ajintframeInputReading frame 1..3 or -1..-3
AjBool RETURNtrue if sequence was modified

From EMBOSS 6.1.0

Function ajRangeSeqMask

Mask the range in a String


AjBool ajRangeSeqMask (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPStr maskchar,
      AjPSeq seq

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPStrmaskcharInputcharacter to mask with
AjPSeqseqModifysequence to be masked
AjBool RETURNtrue if string modified

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajRangeSeqToLower

Change the range in a String to lower-case


AjBool ajRangeSeqToLower (
      const AjPRange thys,
      AjPSeq seq

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
AjPSeqseqModifysequence to be lower-cased
AjBool RETURNtrue if sequence was modified

From EMBOSS 3.0.0

Function ajRangeStrExtractList

Extract the range from a String and place the resulting text in a list of strings.


AjBool ajRangeStrExtractList (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPStr instr,
      AjPList outliststr

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPStrinstrInputstring to extract from
AjPListoutliststrOutputresulting list of strings
AjBool RETURNtrue if string modified

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function ajRangeStrExtract

Extract the range from a String (Remove regions not in the range(s))


AjBool ajRangeStrExtract (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPStr instr,
      AjPStr* outstr

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPStrinstrInputstring to extract from
AjPStr*outstrOutputresulting extracted string
AjBool RETURNtrue if string modified

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function ajRangeStrStuff

The opposite of ajRangeStrExtract() Stuff space characters into a string to pad out to the range.


AjBool ajRangeStrStuff (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPStr instr,
      AjPStr* outstr

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPStrinstrInputstring to stuff
AjPStr*outstrOutputresulting stuffed string
AjBool RETURNtrue if string modified

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function ajRangeStrMask

Mask the positions defined by a range in a string


AjBool ajRangeStrMask (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPStr maskchar,
      AjPStr* str

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPStrmaskcharInputcharacter to mask with
AjPStr*strOutputstring to be masked
AjBool RETURNtrue if string modified

From EMBOSS 1.0.0

Function ajRangeStrToLower

Change positions defined by the range in a string to lower-case


AjBool ajRangeStrToLower (
      const AjPRange thys,
      AjPStr* str

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
AjPStr*strOutputstring to be lower-cased
AjBool RETURNtrue if string modified

From EMBOSS 2.7.0

Function ajRangeElementTypeOverlap

Detect an overlap of a single range element to a region of a sequence


ajuint ajRangeElementTypeOverlap (
      const AjPRange thys,
      ajuint element,
      ajuint pos,
      ajuint length

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
ajuintelementInputrange element (0 to n-1)
ajuintposInputposition in sequence of start of region of sequence
ajuintlengthInputlength of region of sequence
ajuint RETURN0=no overlap 1=internal 2=complete 3=at left 4=at right

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeCountOverlaps

Detect overlaps of a set of ranges to a region of a sequence


ajuint ajRangeCountOverlaps (
      const AjPRange thys,
      ajuint pos,
      ajuint length

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
ajuintposInputposition in sequence of start of region of sequence
ajuintlengthInputlength of region of sequence
ajuint RETURNNumber of ranges in range object with overlaps to the region

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeIsOrdered

Tests to see if the set of ranges are in ascending non-overlapping order


AjBool ajRangeIsOrdered (
      const AjPRange thys

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
AjBool RETURNajTrue if in ascending non-overlapping order

From EMBOSS 6.2.0

Function ajRangeIsWhole

Test whether the default range is used for a sequence


AjBool ajRangeIsWhole (
      const AjPRange thys,
      const AjPSeq s

const AjPRangethysInputrange object
const AjPSeqsInputsequence
AjBool RETURNtrue if default range

From EMBOSS 6.2.0