SRS String Functions
SRS 5.1 strings handling as examples of how to pass string pointers around.
Basic rules:
- strings must be created before use. Null strings are an error
condition in all cases.
- strings are returned only if they are being created (== ajStrNew)
- strings passed by reference can be changed (new strings, new location)
- strings passed by value are constant
- pos is the position in the string (0 .. len-1)
- len is the length from pos
- The string is stored at the end of the STRv data structure, so a
single free clears all but it is not possible to change size merely
by moving the string pointer so avoid this
- The user must delete strings when they are going out of scope.
- Temporary strings - similar model to SRS ?
- Log everything with counters for use in reporting
- Add a status report to the ajExit command
- Automatic deletion and allowing null entries for some modifiers?
Function classes
decrements count (destroys string if not referenced)
and also destroys the string pointer to prevent accidental reuse.
All Functions
- STRv : pointer to string object
- (*) : special case - see code
Returns Function Destroys Modifies Given
STRv StrNew
STRv StrCpy STRv
. StrDel STRv
. StrGrow STRv
. StrShrink STRv
. StrClear STRv
STRv StrSub STRv
STRv StrLeft STRv
STRv StrRight STRv
. StrSet STRv STRv
. StrIns STRv STRv
. StrApp STRv STRv
. StrAdd STRv STRv
. StrCut STRv STRv
. StrSubst STRv STRv
. StrDebug STRv
. StrUpper STRv
. StrLower STRv
Bool StrEmpty STRv
int StrLen STRv
Bool StrEqual STRv, STRv
int StrCmp STRv, STRv
int StrHash STRv
char* StrConst (*) STRv
char* StrVal (*) STRv
char* StrGet STRv
int StrShared STRv
STRv StrTemp (*) char*
STRv StrCpyS char*
. StrSetS STRv char*
. StrInsS STRv char*
. StrAppS STRv char*
. StrAppN STRv char*
. StrAddS STRv char*
Bool StrEqualS STRv, char*
int StrCmpS STRv, char*
int StrHashS char*
STRv StrNCpyS char*
. StrNSetS STRv char*
STRv StrBufNew
. StrBufChange STRv
STRv StrFromInt
int StrToInt STRv
. StrCutLF STRv
STRv StrPrintf STRv char*,...
STRv StrEncode STRv
. StrDecode STRv
. StrTranslate STRv char*,char*
. StrFill STRv
. StrTrim STRv
STRv StrFormat STRv
STRv StrReplace (*) STRv