ajCodNew | Default constructor for empty AJAX codon objects. |
ajCodNewCodenum | Default constructor for empty AJAX codon usage objects, with the amino acid assignments taken from a standard genetic code. |
ajCodNewCod | Duplicate a codon object |
AjPCod ajCodNew ( void );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | RETURN | Pointer to an codon object |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
AjPCod ajCodNewCodenum ( ajint code );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
ajint | code | Input | Genetic code number |
AjPCod | RETURN | Pointer to an codon object |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
AjPCod ajCodNewCod ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon to duplicate |
AjPCod | RETURN | Pointer to an codon object |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
ajCodDel | Default destructor for AJAX codon objects. |
void ajCodDel ( AjPCod* pthys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod* | pthys | Output | codon usage structure |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
ajCodBacktranslate | Back translate a string |
ajCodBacktranslateAmbig | Back translate a string to a fully ambiguous nucleotide sequence as a string |
ajCodBase | Return one codon value given a possibly ambiguous base |
ajCodClear | Zero all entries |
ajCodClearData | Zero the name, number count and fraction codon entries |
ajCodSetTripletsS | Load the num array of a codon structure |
ajCodIndex | Return a codon index given a three character codon |
ajCodIndexC | Return a codon index given a three character codon |
ajCodRead | Read a codon index from a filename using a specified format. |
ajCodSetBacktranslate | Fill the codon usage object "back" element with the most commonly used triplet index for the amino acids |
ajCodTriplet | Convert triplet index to triple |
ajCodWriteOut | Write codon structure to output file |
ajCodWrite | Write codon structure to output file |
ajCodComp | Calculate sequence composition |
ajCodCalcCaiCod | Calculate codon adaptive index using overall codon usage data only. |
ajCodCalcCaiSeq | Calculate codon adaptive index for a coding sequence |
ajCodCalcGribskov | Calculate Gribskov statistic (count per thousand) in AjPCod internals |
ajCodCalcNc | Calculate effective number of codons Wright, F. (1990) Gene 87:23-29 |
ajCodCalcUsage | Calculate fractional and thousand elements of a codon object Used for creating a codon usage table |
ajCodGetName | Returns the name of a codon table |
ajCodGetNameC | Returns the name of a codon table |
ajCodGetDesc | Returns the description of a codon table |
ajCodGetDescC | Returns the description of a codon table |
ajCodGetSpecies | Returns the species of a codon table |
ajCodGetSpeciesC | Returns the species of a codon table |
ajCodGetDivision | Returns the division of a codon table |
ajCodGetDivisionC | Returns the division of a codon table |
ajCodGetRelease | Returns the release of a codon table |
ajCodGetReleaseC | Returns the release of a codon table |
ajCodGetNumcodon | Returns the number of codons in a codon table |
ajCodGetNumcds | Returns the numbers of CDSs in a codon table |
ajCodGetCode | Returns the genetic code of a codon table |
ajCodSetCodenum | Assigns the genetic code in a codon table |
ajCodSetDescC | Assigns the description of a codon table |
ajCodSetDescS | Assigns the description of a codon table |
ajCodSetDivisionC | Assigns the division of a codon table |
ajCodSetDivisionS | Assigns the division of a codon table |
ajCodSetNameC | Assigns the name of a codon table |
ajCodSetNameS | Assigns the name of a codon table |
ajCodSetNumcds | Assigns the number of CDSs in a codon table |
ajCodSetNumcodons | Assigns the number of codons in a codon table |
ajCodSetReleaseC | Assigns the of a codon table |
ajCodSetReleaseS | Assigns the release of a codon table |
ajCodSetSpeciesC | Assigns the species of a codon table |
ajCodSetSpeciesS | Assigns the species of a codon table |
ajCodoutformatFind | Tests the output format for an outcodon ACD type |
ajCodPrintFormat | Reports the internal data structures |
ajCodGetCodonlist | Writes codon triplets to a string list |
ajCodExit | Cleans up codon usage processing internal memory |
void ajCodBacktranslate ( AjPStr* b, const AjPStr a, const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPStr* | b | Output | back translated sequence |
const AjPStr | a | Input | sequence |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | codon usage object |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodBacktranslateAmbig ( AjPStr* b, const AjPStr a, const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPStr* | b | Output | back translated sequence |
const AjPStr | a | Input | sequence |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | codon usage object |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 4.0.0
ajint ajCodBase ( ajint c );ajintcInputbase ajint RETURNsingle base value
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodClear ( AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Output | codon usage structure |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodClearData ( AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Output | codon usage structure |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
void ajCodSetTripletsS ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr s, ajint* c );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Output | Codon object |
const AjPStr | s | Input | dna sequence |
ajint* | c | Output | triplet count |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
ajint ajCodIndex ( const AjPStr s );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPStr | s | Input | Codon |
ajint | RETURN | Codon index AAA=0 TTT=3f |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
ajint ajCodIndexC ( const char* codon );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const char* | codon | Input | Codon pointer |
ajint | RETURN | codon index AAA=0 TTT=3f |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
AjBool ajCodRead ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr fn, const AjPStr format );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Output | Codon object |
const AjPStr | fn | Input | filename |
const AjPStr | format | Input | format |
AjBool | RETURN | ajTrue on success |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodSetBacktranslate ( AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | codon usage structure |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
char* ajCodTriplet ( ajint idx );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
ajint | idx | Input | triplet index |
char* | RETURN | Triplet |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodWriteOut ( const AjPCod thys, AjPOutfile outf );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | codon usage |
AjPOutfile | outf | Modify | output file |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
void ajCodWrite ( AjPCod thys, AjPFile outf );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | codon usage |
AjPFile | outf | Modify | output file |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodComp ( ajint* NA, ajint* NC, ajint* NG, ajint* NT, const char* str );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
ajint* | NA | Output | number of A's |
ajint* | NC | Output | number of C's |
ajint* | NG | Output | number of G's |
ajint* | NT | Output | number of T' |
const char* | str | Input | sequence |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
double ajCodCalcCaiCod ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | codon usage |
double | RETURN | CAI |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
double ajCodCalcCaiSeq ( const AjPCod thys, const AjPStr str );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | codon usage |
const AjPStr | str | Input | sequence |
double | RETURN | CAI |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodCalcGribskov ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr s );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | codon usage for sequence |
const AjPStr | s | Input | sequence |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
double ajCodCalcNc ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | codon usage |
double | RETURN | Nc |
From EMBOSS 1.0.0
void ajCodCalcUsage ( AjPCod thys, ajint c );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon object |
ajint | c | Input | triplet count |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
const AjPStr ajCodGetName ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | RETURN | Original filename |
From EMBOSS 2.9.0
const char* ajCodGetNameC ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const char* | RETURN | Original filename |
From EMBOSS 2.9.0
const AjPStr ajCodGetDesc ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | RETURN | Original filename |
From EMBOSS 2.9.0
const char* ajCodGetDescC ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const char* | RETURN | Original filename |
From EMBOSS 2.9.0
const AjPStr ajCodGetSpecies ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | RETURN | Species |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
const char* ajCodGetSpeciesC ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const char* | RETURN | Species |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
const AjPStr ajCodGetDivision ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | RETURN | Division |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
const char* ajCodGetDivisionC ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const char* | RETURN | Division |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
const AjPStr ajCodGetRelease ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | RETURN | Release |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
const char* ajCodGetReleaseC ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
const char* | RETURN | Release |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
ajint ajCodGetNumcodon ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
ajint | RETURN | Number of codons |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
ajint ajCodGetNumcds ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
ajint | RETURN | Number of CDSs |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
ajint ajCodGetCode ( const AjPCod thys );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | thys | Input | Codon usage object |
ajint | RETURN | Number of CDSs |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
void ajCodSetCodenum ( AjPCod thys, ajint geneticcode );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
ajint | geneticcode | Input | Genetic code |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetDescC ( AjPCod thys, const char* desc );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const char* | desc | Input | Description |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetDescS ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr desc );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | desc | Input | Description |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetDivisionC ( AjPCod thys, const char* division );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const char* | division | Input | Division |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetDivisionS ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr division );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | division | Input | Division |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetNameC ( AjPCod thys, const char* name );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const char* | name | Input | Name |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetNameS ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr name );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | name | Input | Name |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetNumcds ( AjPCod thys, ajint numcds );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
ajint | numcds | Input | Number of codons |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetNumcodons ( AjPCod thys, ajint numcodon );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
ajint | numcodon | Input | Number of codons |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetReleaseC ( AjPCod thys, const char* release );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const char* | release | Input | Release |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetReleaseS ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr release );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | release | Input | Release |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetSpeciesC ( AjPCod thys, const char* species );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const char* | species | Input | Species |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
void ajCodSetSpeciesS ( AjPCod thys, const AjPStr species );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPCod | thys | Modify | Codon usage object |
const AjPStr | species | Input | Species |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 6.2.0
AjBool ajCodoutformatFind ( const AjPStr name, ajint* iformat );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPStr | name | Input | Format name |
ajint* | iformat | Output | Internal format index |
AjBool | RETURN | True on success |
From EMBOSS 6.4.0
void ajCodPrintFormat ( AjPFile outf, AjBool full );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
AjPFile | outf | Modify | Output file |
AjBool | full | Input | Full report, currently no extra details printed |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 3.0.0
void ajCodGetCodonlist ( const AjPCod cod, AjPList list );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
const AjPCod | cod | Input | Cusp file |
AjPList | list | Output | List with character distributions |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 4.0.0
void ajCodExit ( void );
Type | Name | Read/Write | Description |
void | RETURN |
From EMBOSS 4.0.0