EMBOSS: Project Meeting (Fri 30th May 2003)


HGMP: Alan Bleasby, Damian Counsell, Jon Ison, Hugh Morgan, Tim Carver
Lion: Thomas Laurent
Cambridge Uni:
EBI: Peter Rice, Martin Senger, Tom Oinn, Adam Lowe


Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting of 16th May 2003 are here

1. Outstanding action points

From previous meetings:
ACD docs need updating (action PMR, 2003-02-21)
MEME documentation is required (action AJB, 2003-02-21)
Look into binary downloads for MAC OS 10 (AL, 2003-03-07)
Research automatic conversion of html to docbook (Adam can provide a script to help with the reformatting) (TJS, 2003-03-07)
Provide GW with text thanking providers of emboss machines for their support (AJB, 2003-03-21)
Provide documentation for propehcy (AJB, 2003-03-21)
Approach Malcolm Herbert about RedHat Linux distribution for bioinformatics. (DC, 2003-03-21)
Test domainatrix test data (JCI, 2003-05-16)
Prepare extra talks for EMBOSS Programming Course (JCI, 2003-05-16)

2. Progress on action points

The following action points are postponed until further notice
Prepare training course / demo on "Documentation of EMBOSS Software" (the use of XML Mind etc) (DC & TJS, 2003-03-07)
Preliminary look into industry funding for EMBOSS (JCI, 2003-03-21)

3. Software Development

Alan reported that he had modified configure.in for Java compilation. SIB now have a working copy of JEMBOSS.

4. Documentation & Training

Damian reported that O'reilly, John Hopkins, Addison Wesley and Wiley have all expressed an interest in the EMBOSS books. Publishing arrangements were discussed.

5. Administration

6. Thomas Laurent - talk on "EMBOSS in SRS Prisma"

7. Workflow

Tom Oinn gave a presentation on workflow.

7. AOB

8. Date Of Next Meeting

Next meeting to be held at 9.30 on June 13 2003, Loft Room 2