EMBOSS code documentation standards


We considered a number of code documentation methods, including JavaDoc and de novo methods used in several other projects at the Sanger Centre.

None quite fits what we need, so we are picking the best bits from each format and defining our own standard.

Like JavaDoc, embedded documentation is enclosed in specially structured doc comments. Any leading "*" or spaces are stripped before parsing. A doc comment may contain HTML markup, but should avoid header markup such as <H1>, <H2> or <HR> which will be generated automatically by a parser.

The special tags begin with "@" and must be the first text on a line. The text after the tag continues until a new tag is reached or the end of comment is found.

Source code will include structured comments in the following format:

Comments before each function

/* @func functionname **********************************************
** Free text description
** on as many lines as needed
** @param [code] argname [type] ....description....
** @return [code] [type] ....description....
** @cre ....description....
** @ure ....description....
** @exception exceptname ....description....
** @see name
** @@
** ....comment text excluded from documentation....

type functionname (type firstarg, type secondarg) {

Function documentation tag descriptions

The available tags are based on the set defined in JavaDoc.

Element Description
@func Start of structured comment. Gives the function name. Followed by any number of lines of free text with markup. Use @funcstatic if the function is not publicly visible.
@funcstatic Same as @func, but for static (internal) functions
@param Used once for each parameter. Type is as defined in the function. See below for the use of "code".
@cre Description of checked runtime error(s) for a parameter
@ure Description of unchecked runtime error(s) for a parameter
@return Description of the return value for successful execution. The code can indicate properties such as ownership or be just "[]"
@error Description of the return value(s) for errors condition(s). Can be used more than once if appropriate.
@exception Exception(s) thrown by this function.Can be used more than once if appropriate.
@see Named tag in the same source file (name) or elsewhere (module.name) to be converted into a hyperlink.
@@ Effectively ends the doc comment. Any following text is ignored by the HTML conversion parser.

Parameter codes

The code consists of lower case letter(s) for the basic type and upper case modifiers.

Parameter codes
Code Mnemonic Description
r Read Value is used but not changed
w Write Value is ignored. A new value is always returned unless specific conditions are given for non-return.
u Update Value is used, and a new value is returned.
d Delete Value is a pointer to memory to be freed. The pointer will be set to NULL.
f PointerToFunction Value is a pointer to a function. The description should indicate the function type.
v Vararg Value is a variable-length argument list, in some form.

Argument codes
Code Mnemonic Description
C Checked The value is checked. See the @cre tag for checked runtime errors
E Empty An empty value will be accepted, for example a string of length zero
N Null A NULL value will be accepted
P Pointer Use this if a pointer is written or updated rather than just the data it points to

Comments before each data type

/* @data datatype **********************************************
** Free text description
** on as many lines as needed
** @alias structname
** @alias objectname
** @new    ....description....
** @delete ....description....
** @assign ....description....
** @attr attrname [type] ...description...
** @@
** ....comment text excluded from documentation....

typedef struct structname
    type firstattr;
    type secondattr;
} objectname

#define datatype objectname*

Datatype documentation tag descriptions

Element Description
@data Start of structured comment. Gives the data structure most used name. Followed by any number of lines of free text with markup. Use @datastatic if the data structure is not publicly visible.
@alias Another name used for the datatype. Common usage is to use the pointer name (AjPStr etc.) as the main name, and the object name (AjOStr etc.) and the structure name (AjSStr etc.) as aliases. These are used to markup references through aliases in the source code.
@iterator Name of the iterator type associated with this datatype (e.g. AjIStr)
@other Name of any other type associated with this datatype
@new Constructor.
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@delete Destructor.
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@assign Assignment (overwrites the value).
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@modify Modifier (updates the value).
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@cast Casts the value into something else as the return type or another parameter.
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@use Uses the value but does not modify it or return any part.
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@input Input function (reads an input source and populates the datatype).
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@output Output function (writes the values to an output file).
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@iterate Iteration function (iterates over value or array of values).
Gives the function name, followed by a copy of the function description.
@attr Attribute name, type and description. Attributes are defined in the same order as they appear in the struct. The name and type must match the true definition.
@cc Comment inserted between groups of attributes. No comments are allowed in the struct itself (to provide clean parsing) so comments are inserted in the header.

Comments at the head of each library source file

Each library source file should begin with the Library General Public License statement. The first few lines are specific to each source file. The remainder is constant.

** @source AJAX xxxxx functions ....description....
** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Rice
** @version version ....description....
** @modified date initials ....description....
** @modified date initials ....description....
** @@
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** Library General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
** License along with this library; if not, write to the
** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
** Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

Comments at the head of each application source file

Each application source file should begin with the General Public License statement. The first few lines are specific to each source file. The remainder is constant.

** @source appname program ....description....
** @author Copyright (C) 1998 Peter Rice
** @version version ....description....
** @modified date initials ....description....
** @modified date initials ....description....
** @@
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
** of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.